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Atlassian ACP-100 : Jira Administrator exam Dumps

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Exam Number : ACP-100
Exam Name : Jira Administrator
Vendor Name : Atlassian
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ACP-100 exam Format | ACP-100 Course Contents | ACP-100 Course Outline | ACP-100 exam Syllabus | ACP-100 exam Objectives

Jira Administrators manage, customize, and configure Jira from within the Jira user interface. ACP Certification in Jira Administration covers the skills needed to optimize Jira for any development or business team.

- You have 2-3 years of experience administering Jira.

- You understand the specifics of Jira Server. (Cloud-specific material is no longer covered in the exam except at a high level when comparing Cloud, Server and Data Center to meet a company's needs.)

- You can interpret and translate business requirements to Jira.

- You can keep Jira healthy because you grasp how your choices affect Jira's performance, scalability, and day-to-day manageability.

- Youre a guru when it comes to workflows, schemes, and other features available through Jira.

- You know how to take advantage of Atlassian resources and community to help your team implement best practices within Jira.

Advanced User Features (5-10% of exam)

Given a business requirement, create, translate, critique, and optimize JQL queries.

Demonstrate the benefits and best practices for configuring group subscriptions.

Describe the results and implications of a bulk change operation.

Describe the pre-requisites for and the results of a CSV import.

Configuring Global Settings, Layout, Design, and User Communications (5-10% of exam)

Modify Jira configuration settings to match the organization's requirements (look and feel, logo, website links in the application navigator, default language).

Judge the appropriate content for the system dashboard, user/team dashboards, and filter columns for an organization.

Determine appropriate methods for communicating information to users.

Determine which global settings to modify to meet provided business requirements (attachment options, issue links, time tracking, subtasks, white list, general configuration).

Application and Project Access and Permissions (15-25% of

Determine the appropriate use of application access, groups, roles and permissions.

Identify and troubleshoot user settings, user profiles and permissions.

Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate configuration of user and project permissions, roles and group membership.

Given a scenario, determine the impact of deleting/deactivating a user/group.

Determine if and how issue-level security should be configured in a project.

General project configuration (10-15% of exam)

Describe the appropriate use of general project settings (key, category etc.).

Determine whether to modify an existing project, and/or create a new project to meet business requirements.

Determine whether to use an existing project template, and/or modify project schemes to meet business requirements.

Describe the appropriate use of components and versions.

Determine which project activities should be delegated to the project administrators.

Authentication and Security (5-10% of exam)

Evaluate the appropriate method of authentication and sign-up.

Determine the appropriate password policy to be applied.

Assess whether or not Jira is appropriately secured.

Issue types, fields and screens (10-20% of exam)

Given a scenario, identify and implement appropriate changes to built-in fields including statuses, resolutions, priorities, translations, and issue types.

Identify the appropriate issue type configurations to satisfy business requirements.

Given a scenario, determine the effects of modifying and restructuring active issue types and schemes.

Determine the correct configuration of a field, considering field context, field configuration (scheme) and screens (schemes).

Troubleshoot the correct configuration of a field, considering field context, field configuration (scheme) and Workflows (5-15% of exam)

Describe core workflow functionality (triggers, conditions, validators, postfunctions, events, properties) and map workflows to issue types.

Given business requirements, create new workflows and/or implement appropriate changes to existing workflows and schemes.

Given a scenario, troubleshoot workflow configurations.

Setting up Notifications and Email (5-10% of exam)

Determine an appropriate notification scheme/configuration including events.

Troubleshoot a notification scheme/configuration including events.

Identify and troubleshoot the appropriate configuration of an Incoming Mail Handler.

Jira Server Administration (10-15% of exam)

Recognize the benefits of having production and non-production instances.

Given a scenario, recommend whether or not to upgrade and determine the effects of roll-back.

Evaluate the need for re-indexing following a set of modifications, and explain the effects of re-indexing.

Troubleshoot application-level problems with Jira (logging and profiling) and escalate when appropriate.

Identify and troubleshoot the appropriate configuration of an outgoing email server.

Given a workflow, describe which attributes will and will not be imported/exported.

Given a scenario, assess the impact of user directory order and configuration.

Administering and Extending Jira (3-10% of exam)

Compare and contrast the different hosting options of Jira.

Demonstrate how to appropriately configure issue collectors.

Demonstrate how to appropriately use the features of the universal plug-in

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