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Salesforce CPQ-211 : Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Administrators Practice Tests

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Exam Number : CPQ-211
Exam Name : Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Administrators
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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To further boost your knowledge, install our CPQ-211 VCE exam simulator on your computer and practice regularly with our CPQ-211 TestPrep and practice tests. When you feel ready for the actual CPQ-211 exam, register at a Test Center and take the real test. Our approach is not just focused on passing the CPQ-211 exam with our questions and answers, but also on improving your understanding of CPQ-211 concepts and goals.

We're proud to say that many individuals have used our resources to pass the CPQ-211 exam and are now working in their respective companies in good positions and earning well. They're not just successful because they read our CPQ-211 Practice Test, but because they gained the knowledge and skills to operate in a real professional environment. Let us help you become successful too.

CPQ-211 exam Format | CPQ-211 Course Contents | CPQ-211 Course Outline | CPQ-211 exam Syllabus | CPQ-211 exam Objectives

Exam Specification: CPQ-211 Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Administrators

Exam Name: CPQ-211 Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Administrators
Exam Code: CPQ-211
Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Passing Score: 65%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice
Exam Delivery: Proctored online or at a testing center

Course Outline:

1. Advanced Product Configuration
- Configuring complex product rules and dependencies
- Implementing guided selling and product search filters
- Managing advanced product attributes and options

2. Pricing and Discounting Strategies
- Designing and implementing advanced pricing strategies
- Utilizing advanced discounting methods and capabilities
- Configuring pricing waterfall and discount schedules

3. Quote Templates and Document Generation
- Customizing quote templates with advanced formatting and branding
- Creating dynamic quote templates using advanced merge fields
- Implementing custom actions and buttons in quote templates

4. Contracting and Renewals Automation
- Streamlining contract management processes with automation
- Creating contract templates with advanced clauses and terms
- Automating contract renewals and amendments

5. Customization and Extension
- Implementing custom logic using Apex and Visualforce
- Creating custom fields, objects, and workflows in Salesforce CPQ
- Integrating Salesforce CPQ with other systems using APIs

6. Performance Optimization and Scalability
- Optimizing Salesforce CPQ for performance and scalability
- Managing large data volumes and system resources
- Implementing batch processing and asynchronous operations

7. Analytics and Reporting
- Designing and creating advanced reports and dashboards
- Analyzing sales and quoting data for insights and decision-making
- Utilizing Salesforce Einstein Analytics with Salesforce CPQ

Exam Objectives:

1. Configure advanced product configuration rules and dependencies.
2. Implement advanced pricing and discounting strategies.
3. Customize quote templates with advanced formatting and branding.
4. Automate contracting and renewals processes in Salesforce CPQ.
5. Extend Salesforce CPQ functionality through customization and integration.
6. Optimize performance and scalability of Salesforce CPQ.
7. Utilize advanced analytics and reporting features in Salesforce CPQ.

Exam Syllabus:

Section 1: Advanced Product Configuration (20%)
- Configuring complex product rules and dependencies
- Implementing guided selling and product search filters
- Managing advanced product attributes and options

Section 2: Pricing and Discounting Strategies (20%)
- Designing and implementing advanced pricing strategies
- Utilizing advanced discounting methods and capabilities
- Configuring pricing waterfall and discount schedules

Section 3: Quote Templates and Document Generation (15%)
- Customizing quote templates with advanced formatting and branding
- Creating dynamic quote templates using advanced merge fields
- Implementing custom actions and buttons in quote templates

Section 4: Contracting and Renewals Automation (15%)
- Streamlining contract management processes with automation
- Creating contract templates with advanced clauses and terms
- Automating contract renewals and amendments

Section 5: Customization and Extension (15%)
- Implementing custom logic using Apex and Visualforce
- Creating custom fields, objects, and workflows in Salesforce CPQ
- Integrating Salesforce CPQ with other systems using APIs

Section 6: Performance Optimization and Scalability (10%)
- Optimizing Salesforce CPQ for performance and scalability
- Managing large data volumes and system resources
- Implementing batch processing and asynchronous operations

Section 7: Analytics and Reporting (5%)
- Designing and creating advanced reports and dashboards
- Analyzing sales and quoting data for insights and decision-making
- Utilizing Salesforce Einstein Analytics with Salesforce CPQ

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CPQ-211 Exam

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