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Exam Number : SAFe-Practitioner
Exam Name : SAFe 6 Practitioner (SP)
Vendor Name : SAFe
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SAFe-Practitioner test Format | SAFe-Practitioner Course Contents | SAFe-Practitioner Course Outline | SAFe-Practitioner test Syllabus | SAFe-Practitioner test Objectives

Exam Specification: SAFe 6 Practitioner (SP)

Exam Name: SAFe 6 Practitioner
Exam Code: SP
Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Passing Score: 73%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice, multiple-answer

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to SAFe
- Understanding the purpose and benefits of SAFe
- Overview of the SAFe principles and values
- Exploring the SAFe Framework and its key components

2. Agile Release Train
- Understanding the Agile Release Train (ART) and its role in SAFe
- Planning and executing Program Increments (PIs)
- Collaborating with team members and stakeholders within the ART

3. Planning and Executing Iterations
- Understanding the importance of iterations in SAFe
- Planning and executing iterations using the Team Kanban and Scrum processes
- Synchronizing and coordinating activities across multiple teams

4. Agile Product Management
- Applying Lean-Agile principles to product management
- Defining and prioritizing features, stories, and backlog items
- Managing the product backlog and collaborating with stakeholders

5. Agile Development and Quality Practices
- Applying Agile engineering practices to ensure high-quality software development
- Emphasizing continuous integration, test-driven development, and frequent feedback
- Implementing DevOps practices to Excellerate release readiness

6. Scaling Agile
- Scaling Agile principles and practices beyond the team level
- Coordinating and aligning multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs)
- Managing dependencies and integrating work across ARTs

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand the purpose, benefits, and key components of the SAFe framework.
2. Work effectively within an Agile Release Train (ART) and execute Program Increments (PIs).
3. Plan and execute iterations using Team Kanban and Scrum processes.
4. Apply Lean-Agile principles to Agile product management and prioritize features and backlog items.
5. Implement Agile engineering practices and ensure high-quality software development.
6. Scale Agile practices and coordinate work across multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs).

Exam Syllabus:

Section 1: Introduction to SAFe (15%)
- Purpose and benefits of SAFe
- SAFe principles and values
- Overview of the SAFe Framework

Section 2: Agile Release Train (ART) (25%)
- Planning and executing Program Increments (PIs)
- Collaboration within the Agile Release Train (ART)
- Roles and responsibilities within the ART

Section 3: Planning and Executing Iterations (20%)
- Importance of iterations in SAFe
- Team Kanban and Scrum processes for iteration planning and execution
- Synchronization and coordination across teams

Section 4: Agile Product Management (20%)
- Applying Lean-Agile principles to product management
- Feature and backlog item prioritization
- Collaboration with stakeholders

Section 5: Agile Development and Quality Practices (15%)
- Agile engineering practices for high-quality software development
- Continuous integration, test-driven development, and feedback
- DevOps practices for improved release readiness

Section 6: Scaling Agile (5%)
- Scaling Agile principles and practices
- Coordinating multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs)
- Managing dependencies and integration across ARTs


- Business agility
- Lean-Agile mindset
- Core Competencies - APD and TTA
- SAFe Core Values and Principles
- Agile team characteristics
- Agile team roles
- Scrum and Kanban
- ART characteristics
- ART roles
- Customer-centric mindset
- Product vision and roadmap
- Story and Feature components
- Writing and estimation
- Team Backlog
- Team Planning
- PI Planning
- Continuous Delivery Pipeline
- Sync events
- Built-in quality
- Feedback techniques
- Team and System demo
- Competency
- Flow
- Outcomes

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