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Exam Number : PEGACPMC84V1
Exam Name : Certified Pega Marketing Consultant (CPMC) 74V1 84V1
Vendor Name : Pegasystems
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PEGACPMC84V1 test Format | PEGACPMC84V1 Course Contents | PEGACPMC84V1 Course Outline | PEGACPMC84V1 test Syllabus | PEGACPMC84V1 test Objectives

Exam Specification:

- test Name: Certified Pega Marketing Consultant (CPMC) 74V1 84V1
- test Code: CPMC 74V1, CPMC 84V1
- test Duration: Varies (typically around 90-120 minutes)
- test Format: Multiple-choice questions

Course Outline:

1. Pega Marketing Fundamentals
- Understanding the key concepts and principles of Pega Marketing
- Exploring the Pega Marketing architecture and components
- Configuring channels and touchpoints for marketing campaigns

2. Customer Segmentation and Targeting
- Defining customer segments based on various criteria
- Designing and implementing targeting strategies
- Leveraging predictive analytics for personalized marketing campaigns

3. Marketing Campaign Design and Execution
- Creating marketing campaigns using Pega Marketing tools and features
- Configuring decision strategies and Next-Best-Action recommendations
- Monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns

4. Omni-channel Marketing and Personalization
- Designing omni-channel marketing experiences
- Implementing personalization techniques for targeted marketing
- Integrating Pega Marketing with other systems and data sources

5. Marketing Analytics and Reporting
- Analyzing marketing data and generating actionable insights
- Creating reports and dashboards to track marketing performance
- Utilizing AI and machine learning for advanced marketing analytics

Exam Objectives:

1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Pega Marketing concepts, principles, and architecture.
2. Design and implement effective customer segmentation and targeting strategies.
3. Create and execute marketing campaigns using Pega Marketing tools and features.
4. Design omni-channel marketing experiences and implement personalization techniques.
5. Utilize marketing analytics and reporting to measure and optimize marketing performance.

Exam Syllabus:

The test syllabus covers the following courses (but is not limited to):

- Pega Marketing Fundamentals
- Customer Segmentation and Targeting
- Marketing Campaign Design and Execution
- Omni-channel Marketing and Personalization
- Marketing Analytics and Reporting

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