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Exam Number : AZ-400
Exam Name : Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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AZ-400 test Format | AZ-400 Course Contents | AZ-400 Course Outline | AZ-400 test Syllabus | AZ-400 test Objectives

Design a DevOps strategy (20-25%)

Recommend a migration and consolidation strategy for DevOps tools

 analyze existing artifact (e.g., deployment packages, NuGet, Maven, npm) and container repositories

 analyze existing test management tools

 analyze existing work management tools

 recommend migration and integration strategies for artifact repositories, source control, test management, and work management

Design and implement an Agile work management approach

 identify and recommend project metrics, KPIs, and DevOps measurements (e.g., cycle time, lead time, WIP limit)

 implement tools and processes to support Agile work management

 mentor team members on Agile techniques and practices

 recommend an organization structure that supports scaling Agile practices

 recommend in-team and cross-team collaboration mechanisms

Design a quality strategy

 analyze existing quality environment

 identify and recommend quality metrics

 recommend a strategy for feature flag lifecycle

 recommend a strategy for measuring and managing technical debt

 recommend changes to team structure to optimize quality

 recommend performance testing strategy

Design a secure development process

 inspect and validate code base for compliance

 inspect and validate infrastructure for compliance

 recommend a secure development strategy

 recommend tools and practices to integrate code security validation (e.g., static code analysis)

 recommend tools and practices to integrate infrastructure security validation

Design a tool integration strategy

 design a license management strategy (e.g., VSTS users, concurrent pipelines, test environments, open source software licensing, third-party DevOps tools and services, package management licensing)

 design a strategy for end-to-end traceability from work items to working software

 design a strategy for integrating monitoring and feedback to development teams

 design an authentication and access strategy

 design a strategy for integrating on-premises and cloud resources

Implement DevOps development processes (20-25%)

Design a version control strategy

 recommend branching models

 recommend version control systems

 recommend code flow strategy

Implement and integrate source control

 integrate external source control

 integrate source control into third-party continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems

Implement and manage build infrastructure

 implement private and hosted agents

 integrate third party build systems

 recommend strategy for concurrent pipelines

 manage Azure pipeline configuration (e.g., agent queues, service endpoints, pools, webhooks)

Implement code flow

 implement pull request strategies

 implement branch and fork strategies

 configure branch policies

Implement a mobile DevOps strategy

 manage mobile target device sets and distribution groups

 manage target UI test device sets

 provision tester devices for deployment

 create public and private distribution groups

Managing application configuration and secrets

 implement a secure and compliant development process

 implement general (non-secret) configuration data

 manage secrets, tokens, and certificates

 implement applications configurations (e.g., Web App, Azure Kubernetes Service, containers)

 implement secrets management (e.g., Web App, Azure Kubernetes Service, containers, Azure Key Vault)

 implement tools for managing security and compliance in the pipeline

Implement continuous integration (10-15%)

Manage code quality and security policies

 monitor code quality

 configure build to report on code coverage

 manage automated test quality

 manage test suites and categories

 monitor quality of tests

 integrate security analysis tools (e.g., SonarQube, White Source Bolt, Open Web

Application Security Project)

Implement a container build strategy

 create deployable images (e.g., Docker, Hub, Azure Container Registry)

 analyze and integrate Docker multi-stage builds

Implement a build strategy

 design build triggers, tools, integrations, and workflow

 implement a hybrid build process

 implement multi-agent builds

 recommend build tools and configuration (e.g. Azure Pipelines, Jenkins)

 set up an automated build workflow

Implement continuous delivery (10-15%)

Design a release strategy

 recommend release tools

 identify and recommend release approvals and gates

 recommend strategy for measuring quality of release and release process

 recommend strategy for release notes and documentation

 select appropriate deployment pattern

Set up a release management workflow

 automate inspection of health signals for release approvals by using release gates

 configure automated integration and functional test execution

 create a release pipeline (e.g., Azure Kubernetes Service, Service Fabric, WebApp)

 create multi-phase release pipelines

 integrate secrets with release pipeline

 provision and configure environments

 manage and modularize tasks and templates (e.g., task and variable groups)

Implement an appropriate deployment pattern

 implement blue-green deployments

 implement canary deployments

 implement progressive exposure deployments

 scale a release pipeline to deploy to multiple endpoints (e.g., deployment groups, Azure Kubernetes Service, Service Fabric)

Implement dependency management (5-10%)

Design a dependency management strategy

 recommend artifact management tools and practices (Azure Artifacts, npm, Maven, Nuget)

 abstract common packages to enable sharing and reuse

 inspect codebase to identify code dependencies that can be converted to packages

 identify and recommend standardized package types and versions across the solution

 refactor existing build pipelines to implement version strategy that publishes packages

Manage security and compliance

 inspect open source software packages for security and license compliance to align with corporate standards (e.g., GPLv3)

 configure build pipeline to access package security and license rating (e.g., Black Duck, White Source)

 configure secure access to package feeds

Implement application infrastructure (15-20%)

Design an infrastructure and configuration management strategy

 analyze existing and future hosting infrastructure

 analyze existing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) technologies

 design a strategy for managing technical debt on templates

 design a strategy for using transient infrastructure for parts of a delivery lifecycle

 design a strategy to mitigate infrastructure state drift

Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

 create nested resource templates

 manage secrets in resource templates

 provision Azure resources

 recommend an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) strategy

 recommend appropriate technologies for configuration management (e.g., ARM

Templates, Terraform, Chef, Puppet, Ansible)

Manage Azure Kubernetes Service infrastructure

 provision Azure Kubernetes Service (e.g., using ARM templates, CLI)

 create deployment file for publishing to Azure Kubernetes Service (e.g., kubectl, Helm)

 develop a scaling plan

Implement infrastructure compliance and security

 implement compliance and security scanning

 prevent drift by using configuration management tools

 automate configuration management by using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)

 automate configuration management by using a VM Agent with custom script extensions

 set up an automated pipeline to inspect security and compliance

Implement continuous feedback (10-15%)

Recommend and design system feedback mechanisms

 design practices to measure end-user satisfaction (e.g., Send a Smile, app analytics)

 design processes to capture and analyze user feedback from external sources (e.g., Twitter, Reddit, Help Desk)

 design routing for client application crash report data

 recommend monitoring tools and technologies

 recommend system and feature usage tracking tools

Implement process for routing system feedback to development teams

 configure crash report integration for client applications

 develop monitoring and status dashboards

 implement routing for client application crash report data

 implement tools to track system usage, feature usage, and flow

 integrate and configure ticketing systems with development team's work management

system (e.g., IT Service Management connector, ServiceNow Cloud Management, App Insights work items)

Optimize feedback mechanisms

 analyze alerts to establish a baseline

 analyze telemetry to establish a baseline

 perform live site reviews and capture feedback for system outages

 perform ongoing tuning to reduce meaningless or non-actionable alerts

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