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Exam Number : VCS-278
Exam Name : Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2
Vendor Name : Veritas
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Exam Detail:
The VCS-278 Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 test is designed to assess the skills and knowledge of professionals in administering Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2. Here are the test details for the VCS-278 exam:
- Number of Questions: The test typically consists of multiple-choice questions. The exact number of questions may vary, but it is generally around 70-80 questions.
- Time Limit: The time allocated to complete the test is 105 minutes.
Course Outline:
The VCS-278 certification program covers a comprehensive range of syllabus related to administering Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2. The course outline generally includes the following areas:
1. NetBackup Architecture and Concepts:
- Understanding the architecture and components of Veritas NetBackup.
- Exploring NetBackup terminology and concepts.
2. Installing and Upgrading NetBackup:
- Preparing for installation and upgrade.
- Installing and configuring NetBackup components.
- Upgrading NetBackup to version 8.1.2.
3. Configuring Storage and Devices:
- Configuring disk storage units and storage lifecycle policies.
- Managing media servers and media.
- Configuring tape libraries and drives.
4. Configuring NetBackup Policies:
- Creating and configuring backup policies.
- Configuring schedules, retention periods, and backup options.
- Implementing synthetic backups and optimized duplication.
5. Managing Backups and Restores:
- Monitoring and managing backup and restore jobs.
- Performing backups and restores for various data types.
- Configuring and managing disaster recovery operations.
6. Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning:
- Identifying and resolving common NetBackup issues.
- Monitoring and optimizing NetBackup performance.
- Troubleshooting backup failures and restore issues.
Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the VCS-278 test are as follows:
- Assessing candidates' understanding of Veritas NetBackup architecture and concepts.
- Evaluating candidates' ability to install, upgrade, and configure NetBackup components.
- Testing candidates' proficiency in configuring storage and devices for backups.
- Assessing candidates' knowledge of managing backup policies and performing backups and restores.
- Evaluating candidates' troubleshooting skills and ability to optimize NetBackup performance.
Exam Syllabus:
The specific test syllabus for the VCS-278 test covers the following topics:
1. NetBackup Architecture and Concepts:
- NetBackup components and terminology.
- NetBackup architecture and functionality.
2. Installing and Upgrading NetBackup:
- Pre-installation tasks and requirements.
- Installation and configuration of NetBackup components.
- Upgrading NetBackup to version 8.1.2.
3. Configuring Storage and Devices:
- Disk storage units and storage lifecycle policies.
- Media servers and media configuration.
- Tape library and drive configuration.
4. Configuring NetBackup Policies:
- Backup policy creation and configuration.
- Schedules, retention periods, and backup options.
- Synthetic backups and optimized duplication.
5. Managing Backups and Restores:
- Monitoring and managing backup and restore jobs.
- Backup and restore operations for different data types.
- Disaster recovery operations and procedures.
6. Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning:
- Troubleshooting common NetBackup issues.
- Performance monitoring and optimization.
- Troubleshooting backup failures and restore issues.
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