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Salesforce CPQ-201 : Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators Practice Tests

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Exam Number : CPQ-201
Exam Name : Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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CPQ-201 questions pdf get with Exam Questions has worked with a huge number of candidates to pass the CPQ-201 test and get their affirmation. We have numerous effective tributes. Our CPQ-201 Exam Cram is solid, modest, exceptional, and legitimate to overcome the challenges of the CPQ-201 test. Our CPQ-201 test Study Guides are regularly refreshed, and Questions and Answers are revised according to the genuine test.

Our goal is to ensure that you fully understand the various CPQ-201 course formats, syllabus, and objectives required to succeed in the Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators exam. Simply practicing the course guide is not enough; you need to familiarize yourself with the challenging scenarios and questions that are typically asked in the genuine CPQ-201 exam. That's why we recommend visiting and downloading their free trial PDF questions to read. We guarantee that you'll find these Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators questions informative and helpful. If you're satisfied, you can sign up to get the complete version of the CPQ-201 Mock Questions at an extremely attractive discount. This will be your first step towards success in the Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators exam.

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While there are many boot camp providers available online, most of them offer outdated and irrelevant CPQ-201 boot camp. That's why it's important to find a reliable and trustworthy CPQ-201 real questions provider online. We recommend that you check out, where you can get 100% free CPQ-201 Exam Questions and try out the trial questions. If you're satisfied, register and get three months access to get the latest and valid CPQ-201 boot camp that contains genuine exam questions and answers. Don't forget to obtain the CPQ-201 VCE exam simulator for your preparation as well.

CPQ-201 exam Format | CPQ-201 Course Contents | CPQ-201 Course Outline | CPQ-201 exam Syllabus | CPQ-201 exam Objectives

Exam Specification: CPQ-201 Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators

Exam Name: CPQ-201 Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for New Administrators
Exam Code: CPQ-201
Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Passing Score: 65%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice
Exam Delivery: Proctored online or at a testing center

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Salesforce CPQ
- Overview of Salesforce CPQ and its benefits
- Key features and capabilities of Salesforce CPQ
- Introduction to the CPQ administration interface

2. Product Setup and Configuration
- Creating and managing products in Salesforce CPQ
- Configuring pricing rules and discount schedules
- Defining product bundles and options

3. Pricing and Quote Creation
- Managing price lists and price books
- Creating and customizing quote templates
- Configuring quote line editors and quote line fields

4. Quote Calculation and Pricing
- Understanding quote calculation and pricing methods
- Configuring price rules and pricing strategies
- Implementing pricing and discounting formulas

5. Quote Document Generation and Delivery
- Generating and customizing quote documents
- Configuring document templates and merge fields
- Emailing and delivering quotes to customers

6. Contract Management and Renewals
- Setting up contract management in Salesforce CPQ
- Configuring contract templates and terms
- Managing contract renewals and amendments

7. Reporting and Analytics
- Utilizing standard and custom reports in Salesforce CPQ
- Analyzing sales and quoting performance
- Monitoring key metrics and generating dashboards

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand the fundamentals and benefits of Salesforce CPQ.
2. Configure and manage products in Salesforce CPQ.
3. Set up pricing rules and discount schedules.
4. Create and customize quotes using Salesforce CPQ.
5. Calculate and apply pricing and discounts accurately.
6. Generate and deliver quote documents to customers.
7. Manage contracts and renewals in Salesforce CPQ.
8. Utilize reporting and analytics features in Salesforce CPQ.

Exam Syllabus:

Section 1: Introduction to Salesforce CPQ (10%)
- Overview of Salesforce CPQ and its benefits
- Key features and capabilities of Salesforce CPQ
- CPQ administration interface overview

Section 2: Product Setup and Configuration (20%)
- Creating and managing products in Salesforce CPQ
- Configuring pricing rules and discount schedules
- Defining product bundles and options

Section 3: Pricing and Quote Creation (15%)
- Managing price lists and price books
- Creating and customizing quote templates
- Configuring quote line editors and fields

Section 4: Quote Calculation and Pricing (20%)
- Quote calculation and pricing methods
- Configuring price rules and pricing strategies
- Implementing pricing and discounting formulas

Section 5: Quote Document Generation and Delivery (15%)
- Generating and customizing quote documents
- Configuring document templates and merge fields
- Emailing and delivering quotes to customers

Section 6: Contract Management and Renewals (10%)
- Setting up contract management in Salesforce CPQ
- Configuring contract templates and terms
- Managing contract renewals and amendments

Section 7: Reporting and Analytics (10%)
- Utilizing standard and custom reports in Salesforce CPQ
- Analyzing sales and quoting performance
- Monitoring key metrics and generating dashboards

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