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Citrix 1Y0-403 : Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configurations Practice Tests

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Exam Number : 1Y0-403
Exam Name : Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configurations
Vendor Name : Citrix
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1Y0-403 exam Format | 1Y0-403 Course Contents | 1Y0-403 Course Outline | 1Y0-403 exam Syllabus | 1Y0-403 exam Objectives

Exam Code : 1Y0-403
Exam Name : Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configurations (CCE-V)
Duration : 120 minutes
Questions : 61
Passing Score : 51%

Methodology and Assessment 7.5%
- Determine the design decisions that should be made based on given business drivers.
- Determine how to complete the user segmentation process for a given environment.
- Determine how to categorize applications based on a scenario.
- Assess a given environment to determine the capabilities of that environment.
User Layer 7.5%
- Determine the appropriate endpoint type and peripherals required for a given environment.
- Determine how to appropriately deploy Citrix Workspace app based on a list of requirements.
- Determine the network connectivity and graphics requirements for a design.
Access Layer 11%
- Determine the appropriate settings and configurations to make when designing an access deployment strategy for Citrix Gateway and StoreFront/Workspace.
- Determine the architectural needs of an environment when designing StoreFront stores.
- Determine access layer scalability for Citrix Gateway and StoreFront in a given environment.
Resource Layer – Images 11% - Determine how to appropriately scale the infrastructure for Virtual Delivery Agent Machines in a given environment.
- Determine how to secure the Virtual Delivery Agent Machines based on a scenario.
- Determine how to design the appropriate image provisioning strategy for a given environment.
Resource Layer - Applications and Personalization 9% - Determine the appropriate delivery options for Application deployment based on the analysis of the given environment.
- Determine the appropriate profile strategy to use in a given environment.
- Determine the appropriate policies to implement in a given environment.
Control Layer 9%
- Determine the appropriate delivery method to recommend when designing a Site for a given environment.
- Determine the appropriate management and administration design based on given requirements.
- Determine the appropriate site design and baseline specifications to ensure performance and stability in the given environment.
- Determine the Control Layer security requirements and features necessary to secure a given environment.
Hardware/Compute Layer 19%
- Determine the appropriate hardware or hypervisor to implement based on a given design.
- Determine the appropriate resource pool strategy for a given environment.
- Determine the appropriate hardware sizing based on a scenario.
- Determine the appropriate storage allocations to ensure optimization in a given environment.
- Determine the appropriate Datacenter configurations for network traffic in a given environment.
- Determine how to meet the security objectives and best practices for a given environment.
High Availability and Multiple Location Environments 20%
- Determine Multi-location architecture requirements and business considerations in a given environment.
- Determine the appropriate access configurations to recommend when designing a multi-site environment.
- Determine the appropriate Image Management requirements in a given environment.
- Determine the requirements for profiles and data in a multi-location environment.
- Determine the appropriate strategy to support printing in a multi-location solution.
- Determine how to design a site and FMA zones to ensure users have continuous access to resources in a multi-location solution.
Disaster Recovery 6%
- Determine the appropriate Disaster Recovery Strategy for a given environment.
- Determine how to recover a primary datacenter in the disaster recovery datacenter given a scenario.
- Network systems Including security, implementation and administration
- Citrix methodology and best practices for analysis and design
- Core design principles
- Installing Citrix technologies associated with app and desktop virtualization
- Configuring Citrix technologies associated with app and desktop virtualization
- Administering an app and desktop virtualization environment
- Maintaining an app and desktop virtualization environment
- Backing up components of an app and desktop virtualization environment
- Updating an app and desktop virtualization environment
- Monitoring an app and desktop virtualization environment
- Creating reports for trend analysis in environments that include a Citrix app and desktop virtualization solution
- Troubleshooting environments that include a Citrix app and desktop virtualization solution
- Cloud concepts such as private, public and hybrid clouds
- Storage concepts

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