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EC-Council 312-50v11 : Certified Ethical Hacker v11 Practice Tests

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Exam Number : 312-50v11
Exam Name : Certified Ethical Hacker v11
Vendor Name : EC-Council
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312-50v11 exam Format | 312-50v11 Course Contents | 312-50v11 Course Outline | 312-50v11 exam Syllabus | 312-50v11 exam Objectives

Test Detail:
The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v11 exam, offered by EC-Council, is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of professionals in the field of ethical hacking and penetration testing. This certification demonstrates an individual's ability to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in computer systems and networks in order to protect them from potential cyber threats.

Course Outline:
The course for the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v11 certification covers a comprehensive range of subjects related to ethical hacking and cybersecurity. The following is a general outline of the key areas covered:

1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking:
- Understanding the concepts and principles of ethical hacking.
- Ethical hacking methodologies and techniques.
- Legal and regulatory considerations in ethical hacking.

2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance:
- Gathering information about the target system or network.
- Passive and active reconnaissance techniques.
- Tools and methods for footprinting and reconnaissance.

3. Scanning and Enumeration:
- Identifying open ports, services, and vulnerabilities.
- Network scanning techniques and tools.
- Enumerating system and network resources.

4. Vulnerability Analysis:
- Identifying and analyzing system vulnerabilities.
- Vulnerability exam tools and techniques.
- Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE).

5. System Hacking:
- Gaining unauthorized access to target systems.
- Exploiting vulnerabilities and weak points.
- Password cracking, privilege escalation, and backdoors.

6. Malware Threats:
- Understanding different types of malware.
- Malware analysis and detection techniques.
- Anti-malware and intrusion detection/prevention systems.

7. Sniffing and Evasion Techniques:
- Intercepting and analyzing network traffic.
- Sniffing tools and countermeasures.
- Evasion techniques to bypass security controls.

8. Social Engineering:
- Manipulating human behavior for malicious purposes.
- Phishing, pretexting, and other social engineering techniques.
- Social engineering countermeasures and awareness.

9. Web Application Security:
- Common web application vulnerabilities.
- Web application security testing methodologies.
- Web application firewalls and secure coding practices.

10. Cryptography:
- Principles and methods of encryption.
- Cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
- Public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital signatures.

Exam Objectives:
The CEH v11 exam assesses the candidate's proficiency in the following domains:

1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
3. Scanning and Enumeration
4. Vulnerability Analysis
5. System Hacking
6. Malware Threats
7. Sniffing and Evasion Techniques
8. Social Engineering
9. Web Application Security
10. Cryptography

Each domain covers specific knowledge areas, skills, and tasks that candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiency in.

Exam Syllabus:
The CEH v11 exam syllabus provides a detailed breakdown of the subjects covered in each domain. It may include sub-topics, tools, and techniques that candidates should be familiar with. The syllabus may cover the following areas:

- Ethical hacking concepts and methodologies
- Information gathering and reconnaissance techniques
- Network scanning and enumeration
- Vulnerability exam and management
- Exploitation techniques and countermeasures
- Malware analysis and detection
- Sniffing and network traffic analysis
- Social engineering attacks and defenses
- Web application vulnerabilities and security
- Cryptographic algorithms and protocols

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