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Salesforce Platform-App-Builder : Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Practice Tests

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Latest 2025 Updated Salesforce Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Syllabus
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Exam Number : Platform-App-Builder
Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Here are updated and valid Free PDF to pass Platform-App-Builder exam
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Platform-App-Builder exam Format | Platform-App-Builder Course Contents | Platform-App-Builder Course Outline | Platform-App-Builder exam Syllabus | Platform-App-Builder exam Objectives

The Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder exam has the following characteristics:

 Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions

 Time allotted to complete the exam: 105

 Passing Score: 63%

 Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law

 Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law

 Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.

 References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.

 Prerequisites: None required; course attendance highly recommended.


The Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder credential is designed for individuals who
would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and deploying
custom applications using the declarative customization capabilities of the Lightning
Platform. The candidate can create, manage, and update data models, application security,
business logic, and process automation.

Here are some examples of the concepts you should understand to pass the exam:

 Design the data model, user interface, business logic, and security for custom applications

 Customize applications for mobile use

 Design reports and dashboards

 Deploy custom applications

The Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder credential is intended for an individual who
has experience developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform, including
practical application of the skills and concepts noted in the exam objectives below.

The Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder generally has six months to one year of
experience building applications on the Lightning Platform and/or on a similar technology

The Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder candidate has the experience, skills, and
knowledge outlined below:

 Familiarity with the capabilities of the Lightning Platform.

 Awareness of Salesforce license types and the related considerations.

 Ability to design applications to support business processes and reporting requirements.

 Familiarity with the social and mobile capabilities of the platform; accustomed to
using and optimizing business applications on a mobile device.

 Familiarity with the Salesforce development environments and the options available
to deploy applications and manage changes on the Lightning Platform.

 Study of the resources listed in this exam Guide and the additional required study
materials provided by Salesforce.

A candidate for this exam is not expected to be able to administer Sales Cloud or Service
Cloud, have programmatic development experience (Apex, Visualforce, etc.), design custom
interfaces using Visualforce, or design custom Lightning components using Apex or

The Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder exam measures a candidates knowledge and
skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience
developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform and have demonstrated the
application of each of the features/functions below.


 Describe the capabilities of the core CRM objects in the Salesforce schema.

 Given a scenario, identify the boundaries of declarative customization and the use cases for programmatic customization.

 Identify common scenarios for extending an org using the AppExchange.


 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate data model.

 Describe the capabilities of the various relationship types and the implications of each on record access, user interface, and reporting.

 Identify the considerations when changing a field's type.

 Given a set of requirements, identify the considerations and select the appropriate field type.

 Describe the capabilities and considerations of the schema builder.

 Describe the options and considerations when importing and exporting data.

 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for external objects.


 Describe the features and capabilities available to restrict and extend object, record, and field access.

 Given a set of business requirements, determine the appropriate sharing solution.

Weighting 10%

Weighting 8%

Weighting 20%



 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for record types.

 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for formula fields.

 Describe the capabilities of, use cases for, and implications of roll-up summary fields.

 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for validation rules.

 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for approval processes.

 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for workflow, visual workflow, and Process Builder.

 Given a set of business requirements, recommend a solution to automate
business processes.

 Describe the ramifications of field updates and the potential for recursion.


 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for social features.


 Describe the user interface customization options.

 Describe the capabilities of and use cases for custom buttons, links, and

 Describe the declarative options available for incorporating Lightning
Components in an application.

 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate user interface design.


 Describe the features and capabilities available when creating reports,
report types, and dashboards.


 Describe the declarative customization options available for the Salesforce
mobile application user interface.

 Given a set of requirements, determine the appropriate global and objectspecific actions and action layouts to optimize the Salesforce mobile

application user experience.

Weighting 27%

Weighting 3%

Weighting 14%

Weighting 5%

Weighting 5%



 Describe the key milestones and considerations when managing the application lifecycle.

 Describe the differences between and considerations when using the various types of sandboxes.

 Describe the capabilities of and considerations when using change sets.

 Describe the use cases of and considerations when using unmanaged packages.

 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate deployment plan.

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Platform-App-Builder Exam

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