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PMI PMI-ACP : PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Tests

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Exam Number : PMI-ACP
Exam Name : PMI Agile Certified Practitioner
Vendor Name : PMI
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Achieving success in the PMI-ACP test is now easier with our genuine PMI-ACP test Questions and Solutions Free PDF available in two formats: the PMI-ACP PDF file and PMI-ACP VCE test simulator. With our high pass rate of 98.9%, you can be confident in your ability to pass the PMI PMI-ACP real test. The PMI-ACP Exam Cram PDF format can be accessed on any device, and you can also print the PMI-ACP real questions to create your own guide. If you want to pass the PMI-ACP test on your first attempt, don't hesitate to take the PMI PMI-ACP real test at

PMI-ACP test Format | PMI-ACP Course Contents | PMI-ACP Course Outline | PMI-ACP test Syllabus | PMI-ACP test Objectives

There are 120 questions for the PMI-ACP® test (20 random questions (called as pre-test) from the 120 questions are not to be counted towards the final score)

All questions are multiple-choice questions with 1 correct answer from 4 choices

The PMI-ACP® test lasts for 3 hours

The PMI-ACP® test is computer-based in most cases (i.e. to be answered on a computer in a selected test centre)

Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset 16%

Domain II. Value-driven Delivery 20%

Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement 17%

Domain IV. Team Performance 16%

Domain V. Adaptive Planning 12%

Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution 10%

Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) 9%


Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset (9 tasks)

Explore, embrace, and apply agile principles and mindset within the context of the project
team and organization.

Domain II. Value-Driven Delivery (4 sub-domains, 14 tasks)

Deliver valuable results by producing high-value increments for review, early and often, based on stakeholder priorities. Have the stakeholders provide feedback on these increments,and use this feedback to prioritize and Strengthen future increments.

Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement (3 sub-domains, 9 tasks)

Engage current and future interested parties by building a trusting environment that aligns their needs and expectations and balances their requests with an understanding of the cost/effort involved. Promote participation and collaboration throughout the project life cycle and provide the tools for effective and informed decision making.

Domain IV. Team Performance (3 sub-domains, 9 tasks)

Create an environment of trust, learning, collaboration, and conflict resolution that promotes team self-organization, enhances relationships among team members, and cultivates a culture of high performance.

Domain V. Adaptive Planning (3 sub-domains, 10 tasks)

Produce and maintain an evolving plan, from initiation to closure, based on goals, values, risks, constraints, stakeholder feedback, and review findings.

Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution (5 tasks)

Continuously identify problems, impediments, and risks; prioritize and resolve in a timely manner; monitor and communicate the problem resolution status; and implement process improvements to prevent them from occurring again.

Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) (6 tasks)

Continuously Strengthen the quality, effectiveness, and value of the product, the process, and the team.

Agile values and principles

 Agile frameworks and terminology

 Agile methods and approaches

 Assessing and incorporating community and stakeholder values

 Stakeholder management

 Communication management

 Facilitation methods

 Knowledge sharing/written communication

 Leadership

 Building agile teams

 Team motivation

 Physical and virtual co-location

 Global, cultural, and team diversity

 Training, coaching, and mentoring

 Developmental mastery models (for example, Tuckman, Dreyfus, Shu Ha Ri)

 Self-assessment tools and techniques

 Participatory decision models (for example, convergent, shared collaboration)

 Principles of systems thinking (for example, complex adaptive, chaos)

 Problem solving

 Prioritization

 Incremental delivery

 Agile discovery

 Agile sizing and estimation

 Value based analysis and decomposition

 Process analysis

 Continuous improvement

 Agile hybrid models

 Managing with agile KPIs

 Agile project chartering

 Agile contracting

 Agile project accounting principles

 Regulatory compliance

 PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

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