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Nokia 4A0-C02 : Okia SRA Composite Practice Tests

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Exam Number : 4A0-C02
Exam Name : Okia SRA Composite
Vendor Name : Nokia
Update : Click Here to Check Latest Update
Question Bank : Check Questions 4A0-C02 Actual Questions with Mock Exam Okia SRA Composite Certification is available on the internet. Many students complain about the excessive number of outdated and irrelevant 4A0-C02 questions in various training evaluations and test guides. Therefore, our experts have developed a comprehensive 4A0-C02 Test Prep at a minimal cost, with superior quality, valid, up-to-date, and genuine 4A0-C02 questions.

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4A0-C02 test Format | 4A0-C02 Course Contents | 4A0-C02 Course Outline | 4A0-C02 test Syllabus | 4A0-C02 test Objectives

Exam Detail:
The 4A0-C02 exam, also known as "Nokia SRA Composite," is a certification test that validates the knowledge and skills of IT professionals in implementing and managing Nokia Service Routing Architect (SRA) solutions. Here are the details of the 4A0-C02 exam:

- Number of Questions: The 4A0-C02 test typically consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and may include scenario-based questions. The exact number of questions may vary, but it generally ranges from 60 to 70 questions.

- Time Limit: The time allocated to complete the 4A0-C02 test is usually around 90 minutes. However, the duration may vary depending on the specific test requirements and the test delivery platform.

Course Outline:
The 4A0-C02 test covers a broad range of subjects related to the implementation and management of Nokia SRA solutions. The test assesses the candidate's knowledge in the following areas:

1. Nokia Service Routing Architect (SRA) Fundamentals:
- Understanding the key concepts, principles, and components of Nokia SRA solutions.
- Exploring the architecture and functionalities of Nokia SRA platforms.
- Understanding the role of SRA in service provider networks.

2. Routing and Protocols:
- Configuring and managing routing protocols such as OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP in Nokia SRA environments.
- Implementing advanced routing techniques, including route filtering, redistribution, and route summarization.
- Troubleshooting routing issues and optimizing routing performance.

3. MPLS and Traffic Engineering:
- Understanding MPLS concepts, protocols, and services in Nokia SRA solutions.
- Configuring and managing MPLS-based VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) in SRA environments.
- Implementing traffic engineering mechanisms for optimizing network resource utilization.

4. Service Provider Edge (SPE) Services:
- Configuring and managing key SPE services such as L2VPN (Layer 2 VPN), L3VPN (Layer 3 VPN), and QoS (Quality of Service) in Nokia SRA deployments.
- Understanding the implementation of advanced SPE services, including multicast and IPv6 support.
- Troubleshooting common service-related issues in SPE environments.

5. Network Security and High Availability:
- Implementing security features and mechanisms in Nokia SRA solutions, including access control, firewall policies, and VPN security.
- Configuring and managing high availability solutions such as VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) and BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection).
- Ensuring network resilience and reliability through redundancy and fault tolerance.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the 4A0-C02 test are as follows:

- Assessing the candidate's knowledge and understanding of Nokia SRA fundamentals, including architecture, components, and functionalities.
- Evaluating the candidate's ability to configure and manage routing protocols and advanced routing techniques in SRA environments.
- Testing the candidate's skills in implementing MPLS, traffic engineering, and VPN services in Nokia SRA solutions.
- Verifying the candidate's knowledge of SPE services, including L2VPN, L3VPN, and QoS, and their configuration and troubleshooting.
- Assessing the candidate's understanding of network security and high availability mechanisms in Nokia SRA deployments.

Exam Syllabus:
The 4A0-C02 test covers the following topics:

1. Nokia SRA Fundamentals
2. Routing and Protocols
3. MPLS and Traffic Engineering
4. Service Provider Edge (SPE) Services
5. Network Security and High Availability

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4A0-C02 Exam

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