ServiceNow Servicenow-CIS-SAM : Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Richard |
Servicenow-CIS-SAM examcollection : Download 100% Free Servicenow-CIS-SAM practice tests (PDF and VCE)
Exam Number : Servicenow-CIS-SAM
Exam Name : Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management
Vendor Name : ServiceNow
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You can make sure your success with Servicenow-CIS-SAM Practice Test containing TestPrep
There may be Servicenow-CIS-SAM Question Bank from which ServiceNow selects a variety of questions for you to answer in the real Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management exam. We provide the complete pool of Servicenow-CIS-SAM questions so that you do not miss any question in the genuine Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management exam. You can obtain 100% free Cram Guide before deciding to register for a full copy of Servicenow-CIS-SAM Exam Cram.
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Passing the Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management test is straightforward if you have a clear understanding of the Servicenow-CIS-SAM syllabus and go through the updated examcollection from 2025. practicing and practicing real issues are crucial for quick success. To do this, visit and get the free Servicenow-CIS-SAM Question Bank test questions and read them thoroughly. If you feel confident that you can retain those Servicenow-CIS-SAM questions, register to get the Exam Cram of Servicenow-CIS-SAM TestPrep. This will be your first step toward extraordinary advancement. Install the VCE test simulator on your PC, iPad, iPhone, smart TV, or Android device, and read and memorize Servicenow-CIS-SAM TestPrep. Take the practice tests as often as possible with the VCE test simulator until you feel that you have memorized all the questions in the Certified Implementation Specialist - Software Asset Management question bank. Once you are confident, go to the Exam Center and enroll for the real test.
The ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist – Software Asset Management
Professional (SAM) test Specification defines the purpose, audience, testing options,
exam content coverage, test framework, and prerequisites to become a ServiceNow
SAM Implementation Specialist.
Exam Purpose
The ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist – Software Asset Management
(SAM) Professional test certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential
knowledge to contribute to the configuration, implementation, and maintenance of
the ServiceNow SAM Professional application.
Exam content is divided into Learning Domains that correspond to key Topics and
activities typically encountered during ServiceNow implementations. In each Learning
Domain, specific learning objectives have been identified and are tested in the exam.
The following table shows the learning domains, weightings, and sub-skills measured by
this test and the percentage of questions represented in each domain. The listed subskills should NOT be considered an all-inclusive list of test content.
Learning Domain % of Exam
1 Software Asset Core Overview & Fundamentals
• Software Asset Management Basics
• Process Architecture
• Application Introduction and Recommended
2 Data Integrity – Attributes and Sources for the Data
• Importing Data
• Software Discovery and Normalization
• Content Service
3 Practical Management of Software Compliance
• Products and Models
• License Metrics, Entitlements, and Allocations
• Software Reconciliation
4 Operational Integration of Software Processes
• Contract and Change Management
• Service Catalog and Procurement
• Software Remediation
5 Extending SAM
• Software Model Lifecycle and Retirement
• Software Installation Optimization
• Reporting, Implementation, and Maintenance
Total 100%
Exam Structure
The test consists of 60 questions. For each question on the examination, there are
multiple possible responses. The person taking the test reviews the response options
and selects the most correct answer to the question.
Multiple Choice (single answer)
For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are at least four possible
responses. The candidate taking the test reviews the response options and selects the
one response that most accurately answers the question.
Multiple Select (select all that apply)
For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible
responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. The
candidate taking the test reviews the response options and selects ALL responses that
accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct
Exam Results
After completing and submitting the exam, a pass or fail result is immediately
calculated and displayed to the candidate. More detailed results are not provided to
the candidate.
Exam Retakes
If a candidate fails to pass an exam, they may register to take the test again up to
three more times for a cost of $100.
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