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Exin ASF : EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation Practice Tests

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Exam Number : ASF
Exam Name : EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation
Vendor Name : Exin
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If you want to demonstrate your professionalism, it is not enough to just pass the ASF exam. You should also have enough EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation knowledge to work in real-world scenarios. specializes in improving your knowledge about ASF objectives so that you can not only pass the exam but also be prepared to work as a professional in practical environments.

Passing the Exin ASF test is no easy feat, and relying solely on ASF course books or free resources online is not enough. The exam consists of various complex scenarios and challenging questions that can confuse even the most well-prepared candidates. That's where comes in - we offer real ASF Exam Questions in the form of PDF Download and a VCE test system to help you prepare. You can start by downloading our 100% free ASF Mock Exam before deciding to register for the full version of our ASF Exam Questions with confidence in the quality of our product.

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ASF exam Format | ASF Course Contents | ASF Course Outline | ASF exam Syllabus | ASF exam Objectives

EXAM NAME: EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation

Duration: 01 hour
Number of Questions: 40 (Multiple Choice)
Pass mark: 65%
Open book: No
Electronic equipment allowed: No
Level: Foundation
ECTS Credits: 2
Languages: English, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Spanish

EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation offers professionals a unique certification that combines agile principles and scrum practices. The exam tests candidates on their understanding of key concepts and their application.

Agile Way of Thinking
Scrum practices
Scrum Planning and Estimation
Monitoring Scrum Projects
Advanced Scrum Concepts

1. Agile Way of Thinking 10%
1.1 Concepts of Agile and Scrum 10%
2. Scrum Practices 55%
2.1 Scrum Roles 20%
2.2 Scrum Events 15%
2.3 The Importance of the Backlog 12.5%
2.4 Working toward Goals 7.5%
3. Scrum Planning and Estimation 17.5%
3.1 Scrum Planning 7.5%
3.2 Scrum Estimation 10%
4. Monitoring Scrum Projects 10%
4.1 Scrum Monitoring 10%
5. Advanced Scrum Concepts 7.5%
5.1 Scrum in Different Situations 7.5%

1 Agile Way of Thinking
1.1 Concepts of Agile and Scrum
The candidate can…
1.1.1 explain the Agile way of thinking.
1.1.2 recognize how Agile brings predictability and flexibility.
1.1.3 describe the content of the Agile Manifesto.
1.1.4 recognize Agile methods and practices other than Scrum.
2 Scrum Practices
2.1 Scrum Roles
The candidate can…
2.1.1 explain the role of the Product Owner.
2.1.2 explain the role of the Scrum Master.
2.1.3 explain the role of the Developers.
2.1.4 explain that the traditional project manager role does not exist in Scrum.
2.2 Scrum Events
The candidate can…
2.2.1 explain the characteristics of time-boxed events.
2.2.2 explain the characteristics of sprints.
2.2.3 explain the characteristics of the daily scrum.
2.2.4 explain the characteristics of the sprint review and the sprint retrospective.
2.3 The Importance of the Backlog
The candidate can…
2.3.1 explain the characteristics of a product backlog and sprint backlog.
2.3.2 recognize good user stories and backlog items.
2.3.3 explain how to refine the product backlog items.
2.3.4 understand how backlog items are ordered.
2.4 Working toward Goals
The candidate can…
2.4.1 explain the characteristics of a product goal.
2.4.2 explain the characteristics of a sprint goal.
2.4.3 explain the characteristics of a definition of done (DoD).
3 Scrum Planning and Estimation
3.1 Scrum Planning
The candidate can…
3.1.1 explain the characteristics of the sprint planning.
3.1.2 understand how to determine the duration of a sprint.
3.2 Scrum Estimation5 Advanced Scrum Concepts
5.1 Scrum in Different Situations
The candidate can…
5.1.1 recognize how to scale Scrum in large, complex projects.
5.1.2 recognize how to apply Scrum with virtual teams.
5.1.3 understand different types of contracts in Scrum
The candidate can…
3.2.1 explain estimation techniques: planning poker, triangulation and affinity
3.2.2 understand how to estimate using ideal days, ideal hours or story points.
3.2.3 understand how to estimate the velocity of the team.
4 Monitoring Scrum Projects
4.1 Scrum Monitoring
The candidate can…
4.1.1 understand the concept and value of information radiators.
4.1.2 understand Kanban boards.
4.1.3 understand the different ways to visualize the work done.

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