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Vmware 3V0-21.21 : Advanced Design VMware vSphere 7.x Practice Tests

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Exam Number : 3V0-21.21
Exam Name : Advanced Design VMware vSphere 7.x
Vendor Name : Vmware
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3V0-21.21 test Format | 3V0-21.21 Course Contents | 3V0-21.21 Course Outline | 3V0-21.21 test Syllabus | 3V0-21.21 test Objectives

Exam Number: 3V0-21.21
Exam Name : Advanced Design VMware vSphere 7.x
Exam Duration : 150 min.
Number of Questions: 60
Passing Score : 300
Format: Single and Multiple Choice, Proctored

Exam Description
This test tests a candidate's ability to apply design principles to develop a vSphere 7.x conceptual design given a set of customer requirements, determine the functional and non-functional requirements needed to create a logical design, and architect a physical design using these elements.
The Advanced Design VMware vSphere 7.x test (3V0-21.21), which leads to the VMware Certified Advanced Professional
– Data Center Virtualization Design 2021 certification, is a 60-item test with a passing score of 300 using a scaled
method. Candidates are given an test time of 150 minutes, which includes adequate time to complete the test for nonnative
English speakers.

Exam Sections
VMware test blueprint sections are now standardized to the seven sections below, some of which may NOT be included
in the final test blueprint depending on the test objectives.
Section 1 – Architecture and Technologies
Section 2 – Products and Solutions
Section 3 – Planning and Designing
Section 4 – Installing, Configuring, and Setup
Section 5 – Performance-tuning, Optimization, and Upgrades
Section 6 – Troubleshooting and Repairing
Section 7 – Administrative and Operational Tasks

Sections Included in this Exam
Section 1 –Architectures and Technologies
Objective 1.1 – Differentiate between conceptual, logical and physical elements of a design
Objective 1.2 – Differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements
Objective 1.3 – Differentiate between Availability, Manageability, Performance, Recoverability, Scalability and
Security (AMPRSS)
Section 2 – VMware Products and Solutions - There are no testable objectives for this section.
Section 3 – Planning and Designing
Objective 3.1 – Gather and analyze functional requirements
3.1.1 – Gather and analyze service-level agreement (SLA) requirements
3.1.2 – Gather network, storage and compute requirements
3.1.3 – Gather workload design requirements
3.1.4 – Gather capacity and performance requirements
Objective 3.2 – Gather and analyze non-functional requirements
3.2.1 – Determine security requirements for a vSphere design
3.2.2 – Determine data protection requirements for a vSphere design
3.2.3 – Determine business continuity requirements for a vSphere design
3.2.4 – Determine disaster recovery requirements for a vSphere design
3.2.5 – Determine compliance requirements for a vSphere design
Objective 3.3 – Determine risks, constraints and assumptions for a design
Objective 3.4 – Create a vCenter Server logical design
3.4.1 – Design a single-site, multi-site, multi-region deployment
3.4.2 – Define a virtual data center design
3.4.3 – Determine availability requirements for vCenter Server
Objective 3.5 – Create a vSphere cluster logical design
3.5.1. – Differentiate between workload or management clusters
3.5.2. – Define a workload cluster design
Objective 3.6 – Create a vSphere host logical design
3.6.1 – Recommend compute resource requirements
3.6.2 – Identify and address scalability requirements
3.6.3 – Determine hypervisor deployment method
Objective 3.7 – Create a vSphere network logical design
3.7.1 – Determine network protocol needs
3.7.2 – Design network segregation for different traffic types
3.7.3 – Determine physical and virtual networking topology
Objective 3.8 – Create a vSphere storage logical design
3.8.1 – Determine storage topology needs (e.g., SAN, local, Hyper-Converged Infrastructure or HCI)
3.8.2 – Evaluate storage protocols based on a given scenario/requirements
3.8.3 – Determine different storage segregation techniques based on a given scenario
3.8.4 – Determine physical and storage connectivity topology
Objective 3.9 – Create a workload logical design
3.9.1 – Determine workload sizing
3.9.2 – Determine workload placement
Objective 3.10 – Create a vCenter Server physical design
3.10.1 – Determine the correct sizing for vCenter Server based on workload requirements
3.10.2 – Map clusters to logical design
Objective 3.11 – Create a vSphere cluster physical design
3.11.1 – Determine the appropriate Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), Predictive Distributed Resource
Scheduler (pDRS), and Distributed Power Management (DPM) configurations based on requirements
3.11.2 – Determine the appropriate Proactive High Availability/High Availability configurations based on
3.11.3 – Determine the appropriate vSphere Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) configurations based
on requirements
3.11.4 – Determine the appropriate cluster size based on requirements
Objective 3.12 – Create a vSphere host physical design
3.12.1 – Identify the hypervisor deployment method
3.12.2 – Determine the appropriate host size based on requirements
3.12.3 – Determine the appropriate host configurations (network adapters, local storage, RAID controller)
based on requirements
Objective 3.13 – Create a vSphere network physical design
3.13.1 – Determine bandwidth needs based on requirements
3.13.2 – Determine NIC teaming and load balancing methods
3.13.3 – Design VMkernel adapters based on requirements
3.13.4 – Determine Network I/O Control (NIOC) configurations based on requirements
3.13.5 – Determine switch type (standard vs distributed) based on requirements
Objective 3.14 – Create a vSphere storage physical design
3.14.1 – Determine storage multi-pathing and load balancing methods
3.14.2 – Determine the Storage DRS configuration
3.14.3 – Determine appropriate datastore configurations based on requirements
3.14.4 – Determine the physical storage design based on requirements
3.14.5 – Determine appropriate storage policy based on requirements
Objective 3.15 – Create a workload physical design based on application requirements
3.15.1 – Determine workload virtual hardware (e.g., number of network interface cards (NICs) and type of NIC)
3.15.2 – Design content library topology

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