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HP HPE6-A70 : Aruba Certified Mobility Associate test Practice Tests

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Exam Number : HPE6-A70
Exam Name : Aruba Certified Mobility Associate Exam
Vendor Name : HP
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Go through our HPE6-A70 Question Bank, and you will feel confident about the HPE6-A70 exam. Pass your HPE6-A70 with High Marks or get your money back. Everything you need to pass the HPE6-A70 is provided here. We have aggregated a database of HPE6-A70 Exam Questions taken from real exams to help you prepare and pass the HPE6-A70 on your first attempt. Simply set up our HPE6-A70 real questions test Sim and Mock Questions, and you will pass the HPE6-A70 exam.

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HPE6-A70 test Format | HPE6-A70 Course Contents | HPE6-A70 Course Outline | HPE6-A70 test Syllabus | HPE6-A70 test Objectives

Exam ID : HPE6-A70
Exam type : Proctored
Exam duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length : 60 questions
Passing score : 70%
Delivery languages : English, Japanese, Latin American Spanish

Exam Description
The Aruba Certified Mobility Associate test tests your knowledge and skills to deploy AOS 8 single-site, on premise, geographically simple enterprise WLANs.

Advice To Help You Take This Exam
- Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
- Use HPE Press study guides and additional reference materials; study guides, practice tests, and HPE books.
- test items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
- Successful completion of the course or study materials alone, does not ensure you will pass the exam.

- Describe and differentiate WLAN fundamentals and Aruba Architectures
- Define elements, describe the functionality, and differentiate between the 802.11 standards and amendments, RF bands, channels, and regulatory domains.
- Identify licenses that are used for various features, describe licensing pools, and differentiate between boxed-based, controller-based, and centralized licensing.
- Describe and differentiate between AP Modes (CAP, SA, AM, mesh point, mesh portal, IAP, RAP).

- Identify and differentiate the functions, features, and capabilities of Aruba single-site on-premise enterprise solutions.
- Identify and differentiate automatic RF management capabilities and features.
- Identify and differentiate the basic firewall policies and roles, and relate the roles to the policies and how they are applied in the hierarchy.
- Identify and differentiate wireless security authentication types, server types, and encryption types.
- Differentiate the scalability limits in the Aruba controller models, and given a scenario with customer requirements determine which model is appropriate.

- Configure, validate, and troubleshoot Aruba WLAN secure employee and guest solutions.
- Select the appropriate components to configure a guest WLAN and validate the configuration.
- Troubleshoot an employee and a guest WLAN.
- Configure a guest WLAN and validate the configuration.

- Manage and monitor Aruba solutions.
- Use the Mobility Master dashboards to monitor and troubleshoot client connectivity.
- Describe the functionality and uses of AirWave.

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