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Exam Number : Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant
Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Valid as of today Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant Practice Questions questions
We have received many testimonials from successful Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant test-takers who have used our reliable and updated 2025 Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant Exam Questions. These questions are sufficient to pass the test on your first attempt or your money back. We even receive feedback and tips from successful test-takers on how to prepare for the Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant test.

We take great care to ensure that your understanding of the course outline, syllabus, and objectives for the Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant test is crystal clear. Merely reading the Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant course book is insufficient; you must also learn about tricky scenarios and questions that arise in the real exam. To do so, visit and obtain free PDF trial questions for the Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant exam. We are confident that you will be pleased with our Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant questions, and you can register to obtain the full version of Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant Mock Exam at an attractive discount. This will be your initial step toward success in the Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant exam. Install Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant VCE test simulator on your computer, memorize Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant Mock Questions, and take practice exams frequently with the VCE test simulator. When you believe you are ready for the real Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant exam, go to the Test Center and register for the real test.

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Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant test Format | Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant Course Contents | Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant Course Outline | Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant test Syllabus | Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant test Objectives

Exam Specification: Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Not specified
Exam Duration: 105 minutes
Passing Score: 65%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice, multiple-select

Course Outline:

1. Experience Cloud Overview
- Introduction to Experience Cloud and its key features
- Understanding the benefits and use cases of Experience Cloud
- Exploring the components and functionalities of Experience Cloud

2. Experience Cloud Planning and Design
- Gathering requirements and analyzing business needs
- Designing the Experience Cloud architecture and site structure
- Configuring user authentication and security settings

3. Experience Builder and Page Layouts
- Creating and customizing Experience Cloud pages using Experience Builder
- Designing and configuring page layouts for different user profiles
- Implementing branding and theming options for a consistent user experience

4. Content Management and Collaboration
- Configuring content management features within Experience Cloud
- Defining content types, categories, and tags for organizing content
- Enabling collaboration and knowledge sharing through communities

5. Data Integration and Customization
- Integrating Experience Cloud with external systems and data sources
- Implementing custom data models and objects to meet specific requirements
- Configuring data sharing and visibility rules for personalized user experiences

6. Community Engagement and Analytics
- Implementing community engagement features like forums, chat, and events
- Analyzing user behavior and engagement through community analytics
- Optimizing community performance and user satisfaction based on analytics insights

7. Mobile and Lightning Experience
- Configuring Experience Cloud for mobile devices using Salesforce mobile app
- Customizing the mobile experience and optimizing responsiveness
- Leveraging Lightning components and features for enhanced user interactions

Exam Objectives:

1. Explain the key features and capabilities of Experience Cloud.
2. Design and plan the architecture for Experience Cloud based on business requirements.
3. Configure and customize Experience Cloud pages using Experience Builder.
4. Manage content and collaboration within Experience Cloud.
5. Integrate Experience Cloud with external systems and data sources.
6. Customize data models and objects to meet specific business requirements.
7. Analyze community engagement and usage using community analytics.
8. Configure Experience Cloud for mobile devices and optimize the mobile experience.
9. Leverage Lightning components and features within Experience Cloud.

Exam Syllabus:

1. Experience Cloud Overview
- Key features and benefits of Experience Cloud
- Use cases and industry examples
- Components and functionalities of Experience Cloud

2. Experience Cloud Planning and Design
- Gathering requirements and analyzing business needs
- Experience Cloud architecture and site structure
- User authentication and security considerations

3. Experience Builder and Page Layouts
- Experience Builder overview and usage
- Creating and customizing Experience Cloud pages
- Designing page layouts for different user profiles

4. Content Management and Collaboration
- Configuring content management features
- Content types, categories, and tags
- Collaboration and knowledge sharing options

5. Data Integration and Customization
- Integrating Experience Cloud with external systems
- Custom data models and objects
- Data sharing and visibility rules

6. Community Engagement and Analytics
- Community engagement features and options
- Community analytics and reporting
- Performance optimization based on analytics insights

7. Mobile and Lightning Experience
- Experience Cloud on mobile devices
- Customizing the mobile experience
- Lightning components and features integration

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