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Amazon SOA-C02 : AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) test Dumps

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Exam Number : SOA-C02
Exam Name : AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02)
Vendor Name : Amazon
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SOA-C02 test Format | SOA-C02 Course Contents | SOA-C02 Course Outline | SOA-C02 test Syllabus | SOA-C02 test Objectives

The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) test is intended for system administrators in a cloud operations role. The test validates a candidates ability to deploy, manage, and operate workloads on AWS.

- Support and maintain AWS workloads according to the AWS Well-Architected Framework

- Perform operations by using the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI

- Implement security controls to meet compliance requirements

- Monitor, log, and troubleshoot systems

- Apply networking concepts (for example, DNS, TCP/IP, firewalls)

- Implement architectural requirements (for example, high availability, performance, capacity)

- Perform business continuity and disaster recovery procedures

- Identify, classify, and remediate incidents

Domains of exam;

Domain 1: Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation

Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity

Domain 3: Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation

Domain 4: Security and Compliance

Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery

Domain 6: Cost and Performance Optimization

Domain 1: Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation

1.1 Implement metrics, alarms, and filters by using AWS monitoring and logging services

 Identify, collect, analyze, and export logs (for example, Amazon CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Logs Insights, AWS CloudTrail logs)

 Collect metrics and logs using the CloudWatch agent

 Create CloudWatch alarms

 Create metric filters

 Create CloudWatch dashboards

 Configure notifications (for example, Amazon Simple Notification Service [Amazon SNS], Service Quotas, CloudWatch alarms, AWS Health events)

1.2 Remediate issues based on monitoring and availability metrics

 Troubleshoot or take corrective actions based on notifications and alarms

 Configure Amazon EventBridge rules to trigger actions

 Use AWS Systems Manager Automation documents to take action based on AWS Config rules

Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity

2.1 Implement scalability and elasticity

 Create and maintain AWS Auto Scaling plans

 Implement caching

 Implement Amazon RDS replicas and Amazon Aurora Replicas

 Implement loosely coupled architectures

 Differentiate between horizontal scaling and vertical scaling

2.2 Implement high availability and resilient environments

 Configure Elastic Load Balancer and Amazon Route 53 health checks

 Differentiate between the use of a single Availability Zone and Multi-AZ deployments (for example, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon FSx, Amazon RDS)

 Implement fault-tolerant workloads (for example, Amazon Elastic File System [Amazon EFS],Elastic IP addresses)

 Implement Route 53 routing policies (for example, failover, weighted, latency based)

2.3 Implement backup and restore strategies

 Automate snapshots and backups based on use cases (for example, RDS snapshots, AWS Backup, RTO and RPO, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, retention policy)

 Restore databases (for example, point-in-time restore, promote read replica)

 Implement versioning and lifecycle rules

 Configure Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication

 Execute disaster recovery procedures

Domain 3: Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation

3.1 Provision and maintain cloud resources

 Create and manage AMIs (for example, EC2 Image Builder)

 Create, manage, and troubleshoot AWS CloudFormation

 Provision resources across multiple AWS Regions and accounts (for example, AWS Resource Access Manager, CloudFormation StackSets, IAM cross-account roles)

 Select deployment scenarios and services (for example, blue/green, rolling, canary)

 Identify and remediate deployment issues (for example, service quotas, subnet sizing, CloudFormation and AWS OpsWorks errors, permissions)

3.2 Automate manual or repeatable processes

 Use AWS services (for example, OpsWorks, Systems Manager, CloudFormation) to automate deployment processes

 Implement automated patch management

 Schedule automated tasks by using AWS services (for example, EventBridge, AWS Config)

Domain 4: Security and Compliance

4.1 Implement and manage security and compliance policies

 Implement IAM features (for example, password policies, MFA, roles, SAML, federated identity, resource policies, policy conditions)

 Troubleshoot and audit access issues by using AWS services (for example, CloudTrail, IAM Access Analyzer, IAM policy simulator)

 Validate service control policies and permissions boundaries

 Review AWS Trusted Advisor security checks

 Validate AWS Region and service selections based on compliance requirements

 Implement secure multi-account strategies (for example, AWS Control Tower, AWS Organizations)

4.2 Implement data and infrastructure protection strategies

 Enforce a data classification scheme

 Create, manage, and protect encryption keys

 Implement encryption at rest (for example, AWS Key Management Service [AWS KMS])

 Implement encryption in transit (for example, AWS Certificate Manager, VPN)

 Securely store secrets by using AWS services (for example, AWS Secrets Manager, Systems Manager Parameter Store)

 Review reports or findings (for example, AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, Amazon Inspector)

Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery

5.1 Implement networking features and connectivity

 Configure a VPC (for example, subnets, route tables, network ACLs, security groups, NAT gateway, internet gateway)
 Configure private connectivity (for example, Systems Manager Session Manager, VPC endpoints, VPC peering, VPN)
 Configure AWS network protection services (for example, AWS WAF, AWS Shield)
5.2 Configure domains, DNS services, and content delivery
 Configure Route 53 hosted zones and records
 Implement Route 53 routing policies (for example, geolocation, geoproximity)
 Configure DNS (for example, Route 53 Resolver)

 Configure Amazon CloudFront and S3 origin access identity (OAI)

 Configure S3 static website hosting

5.3 Troubleshoot network connectivity issues

 Interpret VPC configurations (for example, subnets, route tables, network ACLs, security groups)

 Collect and interpret logs (for example, VPC Flow Logs, Elastic Load Balancer access logs, AWS WAF web ACL logs, CloudFront logs)

 Identify and remediate CloudFront caching issues

 Troubleshoot hybrid and private connectivity issues

Domain 6: Cost and Performance Optimization

6.1 Implement cost optimization strategies

 Implement cost allocation tags

 Identify and remediate underutilized or unused resources by using AWS services and tools (for example, Trusted Advisor, AWS Compute Optimizer, Cost Explorer)

 Configure AWS Budgets and billing alarms

 Assess resource usage patterns to qualify workloads for EC2 Spot Instances

 Identify opportunities to use managed services (for example, Amazon RDS, AWS Fargate, EFS)

6.2 Implement performance optimization strategies

 Recommend compute resources based on performance metrics

 Monitor Amazon EBS metrics and modify configuration to increase performance efficiency

 Implement S3 performance features (for example, S3 Transfer Acceleration, multipart uploads)

 Monitor RDS metrics and modify the configuration to increase performance efficiency (for example, Performance Insights, RDS Proxy)

 Enable enhanced EC2 capabilities (for example, enhanced network adapter, instance store, placement groups)

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