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Microsoft DP-900 : Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Tests

Practice Tests Organized by Martin Hoax

Latest 2025 Updated Microsoft Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Syllabus
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DP-900 examcollection : Download 100% Free DP-900 practice questions (PDF and VCE)

Exam Number : DP-900
Exam Name : Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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Killexams.com provides the Latest, Valid, and 2025 Up-to-date Microsoft DP-900 Cram Guide that are excellent for breezing through the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals test. It's the best way to Excellerate your status as a specialist in your field. We have a reputation for helping people pass the DP-900 test on their first attempt. Our Cram Guide consistently ranks at the top for the past four years. Our clients trust our DP-900 Exam Cram and VCE for their authentic DP-900 test questions. Killexams.com is the most incredible source for DP-900 real test questions. We keep our DP-900 Cram Guide valid and up-to-date constantly.

DP-900 test Format | DP-900 Course Contents | DP-900 Course Outline | DP-900 test Syllabus | DP-900 test Objectives

Test Detail:
The Microsoft DP-900 exam, also known as Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals, is designed to assess the foundational knowledge and understanding of data concepts and core services on the Microsoft Azure platform. This certification is suitable for individuals who want to start a career in data-related roles or who need to work with data in their current roles.

Course Outline:
The course for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals covers various fundamental concepts and services related to data management and processing on the Azure platform. The following is a general outline of the key areas covered:

1. Introduction to Data Concepts:
- Understanding core data concepts, such as relational and non-relational data, structured and unstructured data, big data, and batch/streaming data.
- Exploring data processing and analytics techniques.

2. Core Azure Data Services:
- Overview of Azure data services, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Data Lake Storage, and Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Introduction to Azure Data Factory and Azure Databricks.

3. Relational Data in Azure:
- Understanding Azure SQL Database and its features, such as deployment options, security, scalability, and performance.
- Exploring Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

4. Non-Relational Data in Azure:
- Overview of Azure Cosmos DB and its features, including global distribution, scalability, and consistency models.
- Introduction to Azure Table Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and Azure Queue Storage.

5. Data Integration and Orchestration:
- Introduction to Azure Data Factory and its capabilities for data integration and orchestration.
- Overview of data ingestion and transformation using Azure Databricks.

6. Data Analytics and Visualization:
- Introduction to Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse) and its capabilities for data warehousing and analytics.
- Exploring Azure HDInsight and its support for big data processing.
- Overview of Power BI and its role in data visualization and reporting.

Exam Objectives:
The Microsoft DP-900 test focuses on evaluating the candidate's knowledge and understanding of the following key areas:

1. Understand Core Data Concepts
2. Describe Core Azure Data Services
3. Describe how to work with Relational Data on Azure
4. Describe how to work with Non-Relational Data on Azure
5. Describe an Analytics workload on Azure

Exam Syllabus:
The test syllabus for Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals provides a detailed breakdown of the subjects covered in each test objective. It includes sub-topics, concepts, and specific tasks that candidates should be familiar with. The syllabus may cover the following areas:

- Data types and formats
- Azure SQL Database deployment models and security
- Azure Cosmos DB consistency models
- Azure Data Lake Storage and Azure Synapse Analytics concepts
- Azure Data Factory data integration and orchestration
- Azure Databricks for data ingestion and transformation
- Power BI data visualization and reporting

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