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Exam Number : S90.08A
Exam Name : Advanced SOA Design & Architecture
Vendor Name : SOA
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S90.08A exam Format | S90.08A Course Contents | S90.08A Course Outline | S90.08A exam Syllabus | S90.08A exam Objectives

Exam: S90.08A Advanced SOA Design & Architecture

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The exam consists of approximately 40 multiple-choice questions.
- Time: Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Course Outline:
The S90.08A Advanced SOA Design & Architecture exam focuses on assessing professionals' advanced knowledge and skills in designing and architecting Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions. The course covers the following topics:

1. Advanced Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Advanced service modeling techniques
- Service granularity and composition
- Service identification and categorization
- Service contracts and interface design

2. Advanced Service-Oriented Architecture Principles
- Service-oriented principles and patterns
- Loose coupling and service autonomy
- Service discovery and composition
- Service performance and scalability

3. Advanced Service-Oriented Integration and Messaging
- Integration patterns and techniques
- Messaging protocols and standards
- Event-driven architecture in SOA
- Reliable messaging and transaction management

4. Advanced Service-Oriented Governance and Security
- SOA governance models and frameworks
- Policy-driven service governance
- Advanced security patterns and mechanisms
- Privacy and compliance in SOA

Exam Objectives:
The exam aims to assess candidates' understanding and proficiency in the following areas:

1. Advanced service modeling and design techniques.
2. Application of advanced SOA principles and patterns in architecture design.
3. Knowledge of advanced integration and messaging concepts in SOA.
4. Understanding of advanced governance and security considerations in SOA.

Exam Syllabus:
The exam syllabus covers the following topics:

- Advanced Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Advanced service modeling techniques
- Service granularity and composition
- Service identification and categorization
- Service contracts and interface design

- Advanced Service-Oriented Architecture Principles
- Service-oriented principles and patterns
- Loose coupling and service autonomy
- Service discovery and composition
- Service performance and scalability

- Advanced Service-Oriented Integration and Messaging
- Integration patterns and techniques
- Messaging protocols and standards
- Event-driven architecture in SOA
- Reliable messaging and transaction management

- Advanced Service-Oriented Governance and Security
- SOA governance models and frameworks
- Policy-driven service governance
- Advanced security patterns and mechanisms
- Privacy and compliance in SOA

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