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Exam Number : CSBA
Exam Name : Certified Software Business Analyst
Vendor Name : Software-Certifications
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At, we take pride in offering the latest Certified Software Business Analyst syllabus, valid and up-to-date Software-Certifications CSBA PDF Download that are highly effective in passing the Certified Software Business Analyst exam. By choosing our platform, you can enhance your career as an expert in your industry. We have earned a reputation for assisting individuals in passing the CSBA test on their first attempt. Our Exam Questions performance has been consistently excellent over the past two years. Thanks to our CSBA PDF Download, customers trust our PDF Download and VCE for their actual CSBA exam. is the leader in providing CSBA real test questions. We continuously maintain the validity and relevance of our CSBA PDF Download to ensure that our customers succeed in the test with high marks.

Our Certified Software Business Analyst test dumps are guaranteed to help you pass the test with flying colors. We offer our CSBA PDF Download in two formats, CSBA PDF file, and CSBA VCE test simulator. The CSBA real test is rapidly evolving, and we ensure that our CSBA PDF Download is always up-to-date. You can obtain our CSBA PDF Download PDF document on any device and even print it out to create your own study book. Our pass rate is high at 98.9%, and the similarity between our CSBA questions and the actual test is 98%. So, if you want to succeed in the CSBA test on your first attempt, visit to obtain our Software-Certifications CSBA real test questions.

CSBA test Format | CSBA Course Contents | CSBA Course Outline | CSBA test Syllabus | CSBA test Objectives

Learning Objectives
The following objectives identify what you will be able to do after the completion of each module.
1.1 Terms and Definitions (K2)
LO-1.1.1 Know the key concepts of Business Analysis (K1)
LO-1.1.2 Know the role of Business Analysis in organizations, programs and projects (K1)
LO-1.1.3 Understand objectives of Business Analysis in the different phases of the product life
cycle (K2)
LO-1.1.4 Know the main knowledge areas in Business Analysis (K1)
1.2 Role of a Business Analyst (K2)
LO-1.2.1 Explain the role and responsibilities of a Business Analyst in terms of an
organization and a project (K2)
LO-1.2.2 Understand how the Business Analyst interfaces with other roles within an
organization and program/projects stakeholders (K2)
1.3 Overview of the Business Analysis Activities (K1)
LO-1.3.1 Know the main activities of Business Analysis (K1)
1.4 Competencies (K2)
LO-1.4.1 Summarize the main competencies of a Business Analyst (K2)
LO-1.4.2 Understand the meaning of soft skills in the profession of Business Analysis (K2)

This syllabus defines the foundation level (Foundation Level) of the program to become an IQBBA
Certified Business Analyst (CFLBA). IQBBA developed this syllabus in cooperation with the Global
Association for Software Quality (GASQ).
The syllabus serves as a foundation for training providers who are seeking accreditation. All areas of
this syllabus must be incorporated in the training documents. The syllabus should, however, also serve
as the guideline for preparing for certification. All the areas listed here are relevant for the examination.

Providers of an IQBBA Certified Business Analyst course must be accredited. IQBBA accreditation is
granted after an expert panel reviews the training provider's documentation. An accredited course is
one that is determined to conform to the syllabus. When an accredited course is given, an official
Certified Business Analyst examination (CFLBA exam) may be administered. An test may also be
administered by an independent certification institute (according to ISO 17024 rules).

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