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Pegasystems PEGACPBA86V1 : Pega Certified Business Architect (CPBA) 86V1 Practice Tests

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Exam Number : PEGACPBA86V1
Exam Name : Pega Certified Business Architect (CPBA) 86V1
Vendor Name : Pegasystems
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At, we have helped many individuals pass the test and obtain their certifications. Our PEGACPBA86V1 real questions are trustworthy, legitimate, and regularly updated. Our PEGACPBA86V1 Actual Questions are the latest and most legitimate, designed to help you pass the genuine PEGACPBA86V1 test with all the essential information included. is a website that provides the latest and most up-to-date Pegasystems PEGACPBA86V1 Practice Questions which are excellent for passing the Pega Certified Business Architect (CPBA) 86V1 test. It is the best way to enhance your position as a specialist in your organization. Our reputation is built on helping people pass the PEGACPBA86V1 test on their first attempt. For the past four years, our Cram Guide has remained at the top, and our customers trust our PEGACPBA86V1 Test Prep and VCE for their real PEGACPBA86V1 test. is the best source for genuine PEGACPBA86V1 test questions, and we keep our PEGACPBA86V1 Practice Questions valid and up-to-date.

Preparing for the Pegasystems PEGACPBA86V1 test is not easy with just an PEGACPBA86V1 coursebook or free Cram Guide available online. There are unique questions asked in the real PEGACPBA86V1 test that confuse the candidate and cause them to fail the test. solves this problem by gathering genuine PEGACPBA86V1 Cram Guide in Test Prep and VCE test system files. You just need to download 100% free PEGACPBA86V1 Cram Guide before registering for the full version of PEGACPBA86V1 Practice Questions. You will be pleased to go through our PEGACPBA86V1 Cram Guide.

PEGACPBA86V1 test Format | PEGACPBA86V1 Course Contents | PEGACPBA86V1 Course Outline | PEGACPBA86V1 test Syllabus | PEGACPBA86V1 test Objectives

Exam Details for PEGACPBA86V1 Pega Certified Business Architect (CPBA) 86V1:

Number of Questions: The test typically consists of multiple-choice questions, with a total of approximately 60 questions.

Time Limit: The total time allocated for the test is usually 90 minutes.

Passing Score: The passing score for the test varies, but it is generally set around 70% or higher.

Exam Format: The test is usually conducted in a proctored environment, either in-person or online.

Course Outline:

The Pega Certified Business Architect (CPBA) 86V1 course covers the following key areas:

1. Pega Platform Overview:
- Introduction to Pega Platform and its capabilities
- Understanding the Pega Platform architecture
- Overview of Pega application development and deployment process

2. Pega Case Management:
- Understanding case types and their lifecycle
- Configuring case types and stages
- Implementing case data models and properties
- Defining case processes and workflows

3. Business Rules and Decision Management:
- Implementing decision tables and decision trees
- Configuring decision rules and rule resolution
- Applying rule inheritance and specialization
- Utilizing declarative rules and expressions

4. User Interface Design:
- Designing and customizing user interfaces
- Configuring dynamic layouts and sections
- Implementing validation and formatting rules
- Utilizing advanced UI features and components

5. Data Management:
- Defining data models and data types
- Configuring data pages and data transforms
- Implementing data integrations and connectors
- Utilizing data mapping and data validation

6. Application Security:
- Configuring access control and authentication
- Implementing data encryption and secure storage
- Defining security policies and roles
- Managing user and group permissions

Exam Objectives:

The objectives of the PEGACPBA86V1 test are to assess the candidate's understanding of the following:

1. Pega Platform and its key components.
2. Case management concepts and implementation.
3. Business rules and decision management.
4. User interface design and customization.
5. Data management and integration.
6. Application security and access control.

Exam Syllabus:

The test syllabus for PEGACPBA86V1 includes the following topics:

1. Pega Platform Overview
2. Pega Case Management
3. Business Rules and Decision Management
4. User Interface Design
5. Data Management
6. Application Security

Note: The above information provides a general outline for the PEGACPBA86V1 Pega Certified Business Architect (CPBA) 86V1 exam. Specific details, such as the number of questions, time limit, and passing score, may vary depending on the certification body or organization offering the exam. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official test guide or documentation provided by the relevant certification provider.

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