Veritas VCS-413 : Administration of Veritas eDiscovery Platform 8.2 for Administrators Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Shahid nazir |
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Exam Number : VCS-413
Exam Name : Administration of Veritas eDiscovery Platform 8.2 for Administrators
Vendor Name : Veritas
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Exam Title :
Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) - eDiscovery
Exam ID :
Exam Duration :
105 mins
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Exam Center :
Pearson VUE
Real Questions :
Veritas eDiscovery Platform Administration Real Questions
VCE practice test :
Veritas VCS-413 Certification VCE Practice Test
System Administration
- Explain the core features and functionality of Veritas eDiscovery Platform and communicate its benefits.
- Describe the components of the installation prerequisites, and the process for installing/upgrading and configuring Veritas eDiscovery Platform.
- Describe which components require backup, how to recover, or how to configure the Veritas eDiscovery Platform.
Legal Hold
- Given a scenario, describe the procedures for creating and managing legal hold notices, including but not limited to; immediate and scheduled delivery, reminders, escalations, Notice Library, Mail-Merge, tracking, reporting, and releasing.
- Describe custodian management, including but not limited to; the custodian portal, surveys, survey response reports, and audit reports.
- Describe legal hold notice architecture, including but not limited to; Active Directory Integration and legal hold configuration.
Identification and Collection
- Describe the Interactive Data Map functionality, including but not limited to; mapping custodians to data sources, identifying potential sources of data, creating connections to sources, searching and browsing data by group, custodian, or data type.
- Describe the integrations with Enterprise Vault and Enterprise, including but not limited to; Enterprise Vault Direct Collector, Enterprise Vault Collection Filters, and preserving in Enterprise Vault.
- Identify the correct collector and filter to use, including but not limited to; Network Collector, On-site Collector, Extended SharePoint Collections, Metadata filters, Keyword filters, Collection filters, Office 365, and Collection Scheduler.
- Identify when to perform full collections, incremental collections or use collection templates and prepare data for processing with Veritas eDiscovery Platform.
- Confirm data collection and perform basic troubleshooting using Data Verification, Collection History, Microsoft Rights Management System and Environment Support and Collection Analytics.
Pre-processing, Processing, Search and Analysis
- Performing pre-processing and processing, including but not limited to; setting up and performing discovery on data, configuring pre-processing options, applying processing settings, exceptions, jobs, troubleshooting, deduplication, Load File Import, Load File Configurator, and providing various language support.
- Describe the various search features, including but not limited to; search preview, search filters, search reports, saving searches, concept search, audio search, freeform search, and Automation Rules.
- Describe the various keyword search features, including but not limited to; search syntax, transparent search, multi-keyword searches, and advanced searches.
- Performing analysis on search results, including but not limited to; discussion threads, find similar, participant analytics, term analytics, and near-duplicate identification.
Review and Production
- Applying review concepts, including but not limited to; creating and managing tag lists, creating and managing folder lists, performing bulk-tagging operations, using Near-Native viewer, performing redaction and auto-redaction, smart sampling, and review reporting.
- Performing production and export, including but not limited to; native and image-based productions, Bates stamping, integrated production folders, export and production management, slip sheets, Metadata Exports, Native-Only Exports, Production Export, and export and production scalability.
- Describe Transparent Predictive Coding, best practices, and demo workflows.
System and Case Management and Reporting
- Managing cases, including but not limited to; create new cases, case analytics, create and manage access groups, multi-case architecture, configuration, and eDiscovery Dashboard.
- Using the reporting functionality in Veritas eDiscovery Platform, including but not limited to; lifecycle reporting, audit trail reporting, and activity reporting.
- Describe system management, including but not limited to; Clearwell Utility, Clearwell Commander, system settings, Veritas eDiscovery Platform services, distributed architecture (including sub-nodes, utility nodes, cluster master, and case home) and backup and restore.
- Managing users and custodians.
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