![]() DELL-EMC DES-1721 : Specialist - Implementation Engineer, SC Series Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Shahid nazir |
DES-1721 question bank : Download 100% Free DES-1721 practice tests (PDF and VCE)
Exam Number : DES-1721
Exam Name : Specialist - Implementation Engineer, SC Series
Vendor Name : DELL-EMC
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Exam Title :
Dell EMC Certified Specialist - Implementation Engineer - SC Series
Exam ID :
Exam Duration :
90 mins
Questions in test :
Passing Score :
Official Training :
Dell EMC SC Series Implementation and Administration (ES102STG00702)
Exam Center :
Pearson VUE
Real Questions :
Dell EMC SC Series Specialist Implementation Engineer Real Questions
VCE practice questions :
Dell EMC DES-1721 Certification VCE Practice Test
Storage Center Fundamentals
- Identify and describe the Dell Storage Center core features, licensed features, and user interfaces
Storage Center Hardware
- Identify and describe the characteristics of the SC Series Controllers
- Identify and describe the characteristics of the SC Series disk enclosures
Storage Center Cabling
- Describe front-end cabling best practices for Fibre Channel and iSCSI protocols and explain the types of redundancy for front-end cabling
- Describe how to create fault domains and their purpose
- Identify and describe virtual port zoning best practices
- Describe the SAS back-end cabling best practices
Storage Center Deployment and Initial Configuration
- Describe how to prepare the installation environment and perform the initial setup and post-setup tasks on the Storage Center array
Initial SAN HBA and Switch Configurations
- Identify and describe how to establish a connection between the host and SC Series Storage array through FC and iSCSI SAN
- Describe the best practices and characteristics for specific FC switch vendors, such as Brocade, when connecting to an SC Series Storage array
Storage Center Basic Administration
- Describe how to create and use volumes and volume folders and how to perform management operations such as copy, mirror, migrate and expand volumes on an SC Series Storage array
- Describe how to create and manage server objects and server folders, how to discover initiatiors, and how to map them to server objects on an SC Series Storage array
- Identify and describe how to map a volume to a server object, how to establish multipath conectivity, the recommended MPIO settings, and the steps to make a mapped volume available at the operating system level including VMware vSpere, Linux, and Microsoft
- Identify and describe the procedure(s) to failover and rebalance the SC Series Controllers
Dell Storage Manager (DSM) Installation and Configuration
- Identify and describe how to install the Dell Storage Manager (DSM) software and how to use the DSM views
- Describe how to manage users and permissions in Dell Storage Manager (DSM) and describe user management best practices
Dell Storage Manager (DSM) Administration
- Describe how to configure datapage size, SNMP and SMTP parameters, and upgrade the SC Series software and licenses
- Describe the Dell Storage Manager (DSM) monitoring and metering capabilities, how to review alerts, run reports and replace a failed disk
Storage Center Data Progression, Data Instant Replay, and Remote Instant
Replay Management
- Explain how to enable, create, and use storage profiles
- Identify and describe the Data Progression functions and how to configure Data Progression using storage profiles
- Describe the functions of Replay Manager, a Data Instant Replay snapshot, and how to configure and manage Data Instant Replays
- Explain how to configure a Remote Instant Replay replication, how to create and activate a disaster recovery site, and how to restore the source on an alternate site
- Describe how to configure Live Volume
This certification validates the ability to perform basic to intermediate skill level tasks in deploying and manage the Dell EMC SC Series storage products. This test is a qualifying test for the Specialist - Implementation Engineer, SC Series track.
This test focuses on the knowledge and activities involved in installing, initializing, configuring and testing the hardware and software of the Dell EMC SC Series Storage products.
Dell Technologies provides free practice tests to assess your knowledge in preparation for the exam. practice tests allow you to become familiar with the Topics and question types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice questions offer one indication of how prepared you are for the proctored test and can highlight Topics on which you need to study and train further. A passing score on the practice questions does not guarantee a passing score on the certification exam.
Storage Center Fundamentals (5%)
• Identify and describe the Dell Storage Center core features, licensed features, and user interfaces
Storage Center Hardware (15%)
• Identify and describe the characteristics of the SC Series Controllers
• Identify and describe the characteristics of the SC Series disk enclosures
Storage Center Cabling (19%)
• Describe front-end cabling best practices for Fibre Channel and iSCSI protocols and explain the types of redundancy for front-end cabling
• Describe how to create fault domains and their purpose
• Identify and describe virtual port zoning best practices
• Describe the SAS back-end cabling best practices
Storage Center Deployment and Initial Configuration (3%)
• Describe how to prepare the installation environment and perform the initial setup and post-setup tasks on the Storage Center array
Initial SAN HBA and Switch Configurations (11%)
• Identify and describe how to establish a connection between the host and SC Series Storage array through FC and iSCSI SAN
• Describe the best practices and characteristics for specific FC switch vendors, such as Brocade, when connecting to an SC Series Storage array
Storage Center Basic Administration (15%)
• Describe how to create and use volumes and volume folders and how to perform management operations such as copy, mirror, migrate and expand volumes on an SC Series Storage array
• Describe how to create and manage server objects and server folders, how to discover initiatiors, and how to map them to server objects on an SC Series Storage array
• Identify and describe how to map a volume to a server object, how to establish multipath conectivity, the recommended MPIO settings, and the steps to make a mapped volume available at the operating system level including VMware vSpere, Linux, and Microsoft
• Identify and describe the procedure(s) to failover and rebalance the SC Series Controllers
Dell Storage Manager (DSM) Installation and Configuration (9%)
• Identify and describe how to install the Dell Storage Manager (DSM) software and how to use the DSM views
• Describe how to manage users and permissions in Dell Storage Manager (DSM) and describe user management best practices
Dell Storage Manager (DSM) Administration (6%)
• Describe how to configure datapage size, SNMP and SMTP parameters, and upgrade the SC Series software and licenses
• Describe the Dell Storage Manager (DSM) monitoring and metering capabilities, how to review alerts, run reports and replace a failed disk Storage Center Data Progression, Data Instant Replay, and Remote Instant
Replay Management (17%)
• Explain how to enable, create, and use storage profiles
• Identify and describe the Data Progression functions and how to configure Data Progression using storage profiles
• Describe the functions of Replay Manager, a Data Instant Replay snapshot, and how to configure and manage Data Instant Replays
• Explain how to configure a Remote Instant Replay replication, how to create and activate a disaster recovery site, and how to restore the source on an alternate site
• Describe how to configure Live Volume
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