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DELL-EMC DEA-5TT1 : Associate - Networking test Practice Tests

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Exam Number : DEA-5TT1
Exam Name : Associate - Networking Exam
Vendor Name : DELL-EMC
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DEA-5TT1 test Format | DEA-5TT1 Course Contents | DEA-5TT1 Course Outline | DEA-5TT1 test Syllabus | DEA-5TT1 test Objectives

Exam Code : DEA-5TT1
Exam Name : Associate - Networking test (DELL)
Duration : 90 minutes
Questions : 60
Passing Score : 60

Certification Overview:
This certification validates the ability to perform basic skill level tasks in installing,
configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting Dell EMC Networking products
This test is a qualifying test for the Associate - Networking track.
This test focuses on basic Networking foundational skills and portfolio introduction.
Dell Technologies provides free practice exams to assess your knowledge in preparation
for the exam. practice exams allow you to become familiar with the Topics and question
types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice questions offer one
indication of how prepared you are for the proctored test and can highlight Topics on
which you need to study and train further. A passing score on the practice questions does not
guarantee a passing score on the certification exam.

Networks – The Basics (7%)
• Explain the purpose and function of network devices such as switches and routers, WANs and LANs, and common Campus and Datacenter topologies
• Explain the purpose and basic operations of the OSI model
• Describe the concepts and use cases for Layer 2 - Data Link Layer, Discovery protocols
Ethernet Networking (7%)
• Describe Ethernet networking
• Describe the standards of how Ethernet operates and how addressing is used to move data on the Ethernet network Switching Fundamentals and Creating a Switched Network (23%)
• Explain the reason for network switching and the process of moving frames within a switched network
• Explain how to differentiate between a broadcast domain and collision domain
• Explain how to select cabling and the cables that are certified for network connectivity
• Describe the concepts of VLANs, Spanning-Tree protocol, and Link Aggregation and how each functions within the network Internet Protocol v4 and v6 (14%)
• Identify and describe the differences between private and public IP addressing, and describe classful and CIDR addressing
• Describe IPv4 addressing and explain the process of using IPv4 in the network
• Describe IPv6 addressing and explain the process of using IPv6 in the network Transport Layer (7%)
• Describe the function of the Transport layers, how it supports host-to-host connectivity, and protocols used by the Transport layers and their use cases IP Routing Technologies and Routing Protocols (15%)
• Describe basic routing concepts and explain how to interpret a routing table
• Identify and describe the differences between static and dynamic routing
• Identify and describe the classifications of routing protocols and how they are used to route within and between autonomous systems
• Explain the routing process used by RIPv2, OSPF, and BGP (link state and distance vector routing) routing protocols IP and Network Services (7%)
• Describe the DHCP and NTP service and explain the configuration steps
• Describe Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Network Address Translation
Security, Authentication, and ACLs (3%)
• Describe the options and processes of securing access to the network Switch Stacking, Dell EMC Campus, Datacenter, and Modular Switch Portfolio (10%)
• Describe the key concepts of stacking and the hardware required to configure stacking using OS 6, OS 9, and OS 10
• Describe the switch models that are part of the Dell EMC Campus, Datacenter, and Modular Switch portfolio
Dell EMC Switch Software, Configuration, and Management (7%)
Explain how software is used to configure and manage Dell EMC switches, and describe the steps to complete an initial switch configuration

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