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Exam Number : PMI-100
Exam Name : Certified Associate in Project
Vendor Name : PMI
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PMI-100 test Format | PMI-100 Course Contents | PMI-100 Course Outline | PMI-100 test Syllabus | PMI-100 test Objectives

CAPM test CONTENT OUTLINE (Learning Objectives)
1. Introduction to Project Management (6%)
1.1 Understand the five project management process groups and the processes within each group
1.2 Recognize the relationships among project, program, portfolio, and operational management
1.3 Define a typical project lifecycle
1.4 Understand the function and importance of tailoring for different projects
2. Project Environment (6%)
2.1 Identify the factors and assets that may impact the outcome of a project
2.2 Distinguish between organizational systems
2.3 Understand the purpose and activities of a Project Management Office
2.4 Recognize the hierarchy of projects, programs and portfolios
3. Role of the Project Manager (7%)
3.1 State the primary functions of a project manager
3.2 Understand a project managers sphere of influence
3.3 Identify the major elements included in the PMI triangle
3.4 Recognize the difference between leadership and management
4. Project Integration Management (9%)
4.1 Understand the seven project management processes in the project integration management knowledge area
4.2 Identify the input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the seven processes in project integration management
4.3 Understand the purpose of project integration management and the project managers role within it
4.4 Identify concepts and procedures related to project change management
4.5 Identify tailoring consideration in project integration management and recognize key documents
4.6 Identify methods for project integration and knowledge management
5. Project Scope Management (9%)
5.1 Understand the six project management processes in the project scope management knowledge area
5.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the six processes in project scope management
5.3 Identify key concepts and tailoring consideration for project scope management, and key roles in scope management
5.4 Identify the purpose and elements of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for both Product and Project scope
5.5 Understand project scope management for agile/adaptive projects, including the use of prototypes
6. Project Schedule Management (9%)
6.1 Define the six project management processes in the project schedule management knowledge area
6.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the six processes in project schedule management
6.3 Solve simple network diagrams problems and perform basic scheduling calculations
6.4 Identify considerations for agile/adaptive environments in project schedule management
7. Project Cost Management (8%)
7.1 Understand the four project management processes in the project cost management knowledge area
7.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the four processes in project cost management
7.3 Identify key concepts in project cost management, including tailoring and special considerations for agile/adaptive environments
7.4 Understand and apply basic forecasting and earned value methods for project cost management
8. Project Quality Management (7%)
8.1 Understand the three project management processes in the project quality management knowledge area
8.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the three quality management processes
8.3 Understand the reasons for and approaches to adapting quality management in different project environments
8.4 Identify quality tools and approaches for continuous improvement
9. Project Resource Management (8%)
9.1 Define the six project management processes in the project resource management knowledge area
9.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the six processes in project resource management
9.3 Identify key concepts and trends in project resource management, including tailoring and special considerations for agile/adaptive environments
9.4 Identify techniques for developing a team, managing conflict, and resolving resource-related problems
9.5 Understand the components of a resource management plan and data representation techniques for managing project resources
10. Project Communication Management (10%)
10.1 Understand the three project management processes in the project communication management knowledge area
10.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the three project communication management processes
10.3 Identify key concepts and approaches in project communication management,
including tailoring and special considerations for agile/adaptive environments
10.4 Recognize the dimensions of communication and components of a communications management plan
10.5 Identify communications skills and methods for project communication management
11. Project Risk Management (8%)
11.1 Understand the seven project management processes in the project risk management knowledge area
11.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in project risk management
11.3 Identify the key documents in project risk management
11.4 Perform simple risk calculations
11.5 Recognize when and how to adjust risk based on the project environment
12. Project Procurement Management (4%)
12.1 Understand the three processes in the project procurement management knowledge area
12.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the three project procurement processes
12.3 Identify key concepts and tailoring considerations for project procurement management, including trends and emerging practices
12.4 Identify various types of contracts, agreements, and source selection methods
13. Project Stakeholder Management (9%)
13.1 Understand the four project management processes in the project stakeholder management knowledge area
13.2 Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the four project stakeholder management processes
13.3 Recognize key stakeholders roles and needs
13.4 Identify the key concepts and benefits of stakeholder management

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