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Exam Number : NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation
Exam Name : NCEES PE Civil Engineering: Transportation
Vendor Name : NCEES
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NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation exam Format | NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation Course Contents | NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation Course Outline | NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation exam Syllabus | NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation exam Objectives

- Quantity and cost estimating
- Project schedules
- activity identification
- sequencing
- Economic analysis
- present worth
- lifecycle costs

- Traffic Engineering
- Capacity Analysis
- Transportation Planning
- Safety Analysis
- Uninterrupted flow
- level of service [LOS]
- capacity
- Street segment interrupted flow
- level of service [LOS]
- running time
- travel speed

- Intersection capacity
- at grade
- signalized
- roundabout
- interchange

- Traffic analysis
- volume studies
- peak hour factor
- speed studies
- modal split
- trip generation
- traffic impact studies

- Traffic safety analysis
- conflict analysis
- crash rates
- collision diagrams
- Nonmotorized facilities analysis
- pedestrian
- bicycle

- Traffic forecasts and monitoring
- Highway safety analysis
- crash modification factors
- Highway Safety Manual
- Forgiving roadside concepts
- clear zone
- recoverable slopes
- roadside obstacles

- Barrier design
- barrier types
- end treatments
- crash cushions
- Cross-section elements
- lane widths
- shoulders
- bike lane
- sidewalks
- retaining walls

- Non-motorized design considerations
- shared-use paths
- bicycle facilities
- pedestrian facilities
- ADA compliance
- traffic-calming features

- Basic circular curve elements
- middle ordinate
- length
- chord definition
- radius definition
- centerline stationing
- Sight distance considerations
- Superelevation
- rate
- transitions
- method
- components

- Special horizontal curves
- compound/reverse curves
- curve widening
- coordination with vertical geometry
- Vertical alignment
- geometrics
- vertical clearance

- Stopping and passing sight distance
- crest curve
- sag curve
- Intersection Geometry
- Intersection sight distance
- Interchanges
- freeway merge
- entrance and exit design
- horizontal design
- vertical design

- At-grade intersection layout, including roundabouts
- Traffic signal timing
- clearance intervals
- phasing
- pedestrian crossing timing
- railroad preemption
- Traffic signal warrants
- Traffic signal design

- Permanent signs and pavement markings
- Temporary traffic control
- Geotechnical and Pavement
- Sampling, testing, evaluation, and soil stabilization techniques
- soil classifications
- subgrade resilient modulus
- R-values
- field tests
- slope stability

- Soil properties
- strength
- permeability
- compressibility
- phase relationships
- Compaction, excavation, embankment, and mass balance
- Traffic characterization parameters, pavement design, and rehabilitation procedures
- flexible
- rigid pavement

- Hydrology, including runoff and water quality mitigation measures
- Hydraulics, including culvert and storm water collection system design
- inlet capacities
- pipe flow
- hydraulic energy dissipation
- peak flow mitigation/detention
- open-channel flow

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NCEES-PE-Civil-Transportation Exam

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