![]() VMWare 2V0-21.20 : Professional VMware vSphere 7.x Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Martin Hoax |
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Exam Number : 2V0-21.20
Exam Name : Professional VMware vSphere 7.x
Vendor Name : VMWare
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Test Detail:
The VMWare 2V0-21.20 exam, also known as "Professional VMware vSphere 7.x," is a certification test that validates the knowledge and skills of professionals working with VMWare vSphere 7.x virtualization technology. The test focuses on various aspects of VMWare vSphere, including installation, configuration, management, and troubleshooting. This description provides an overview of the 2V0-21.20 exam.
Course Outline:
The course for the VMWare 2V0-21.20 test covers a wide range of subjects related to VMWare vSphere 7.x. The course outline may include the following:
1. VMWare vSphere Architecture and Technologies:
- Introduction to VMWare vSphere architecture
- Understanding VMWare ESXi, vCenter Server, and vSphere Client
- Exploring VMWare vSphere features and capabilities
2. VMWare vSphere Installation and Configuration:
- Planning and preparing for VMWare vSphere installation
- Deploying and configuring VMWare ESXi hosts
- Creating and managing VMWare vCenter Server instances
3. Virtual Machines and Storage Management:
- Creating and managing virtual machines (VMs)
- Configuring VMWare vSphere storage resources
- Understanding VMWare vSphere storage policies and profiles
4. Networking in VMWare vSphere:
- Configuring VMWare vSphere standard and distributed switches
- Managing network connectivity and VLANs
- Implementing network security and load balancing
5. Resource Management and Monitoring:
- Allocating and managing compute resources (CPU, memory) in VMWare vSphere
- Monitoring and troubleshooting VMWare vSphere performance
- Using VMWare vSphere High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
6. VMWare vSphere Security and Authentication:
- Implementing VMWare vSphere security measures
- Configuring access controls and permissions
- Enabling VMWare vSphere Single Sign-On (SSO)
Exam Objectives:
The 2V0-21.20 test objectives cover the following areas:
1. VMWare vSphere Architecture and Technologies
2. VMWare vSphere Installation and Configuration
3. Virtual Machines and Storage Management
4. Networking in VMWare vSphere
5. Resource Management and Monitoring
6. VMWare vSphere Security and Authentication
Exam Syllabus:
The test syllabus for the 2V0-21.20 test includes specific subjects within each of the test objectives mentioned above. It may cover areas such as:
- VMWare vSphere architecture components and their functionalities
- Installation and configuration of VMWare ESXi hosts and vCenter Server
- Creation and management of virtual machines, templates, and clones
- Configuring VMWare vSphere storage, including datastores and storage policies
- Network configuration and management in VMWare vSphere, including VLANs and switches
- Resource allocation and management, including CPU and memory settings
- Monitoring and troubleshooting VMWare vSphere performance
- Implementation of security measures and access controls in VMWare vSphere
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