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Exam Number : PL-400
Exam Name : Microsoft Power Platform Developer
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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PL-400 test Format | PL-400 Course Contents | PL-400 Course Outline | PL-400 test Syllabus | PL-400 test Objectives

Exam ID : PL-400

Exam Name : Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Candidates for this test design, develop, secure, and troubleshoot Power Platform solutions. Candidates implement components of a solution, including application enhancements, custom user experience, system integrations, data conversions, custom process automation, and custom visualizations.

Candidates must have strong applied knowledge of Power Platform services, including in-depth understanding of capabilities, boundaries, and constraints. Candidates should have a basic understanding of DevOps practices for Power Platform.

Candidates should have development experience that includes Power Platform services, JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful web services, ASP.NET, and Microsoft Power BI.

Create a technical design (10-15%)

Configure Common Data Service (15-20%)

Create and configure Power Apps (15-20%)

Configure business process automation (5-10%)

Extend the user experience (10-15%)

Extend the platform (15-20%)

Develop integrations (5-10%)

Create a technical design (10-15%)

Validate requirements and design technical architecture

 design and validate the technical architecture for a solution

 design authentication and authorization strategy

 determine whether you can meet requirements with out-of-the-box functionality

 determine when to use Logic Apps versus Power Automate flows

 determine when to use serverless computing, plug-ins, or Power Automate

 determine when to build a virtual entity data source provider and when to use connectors

Design solution components

 design a data model

 design Power Apps reusable components

 design custom connectors

 design server-side components

Describe Power Platform extensibility points

 describe Power Virtual Agents extensibility points including Bot Framework skills and Power Automate flows

 describe Power BI extensibility points including Power BI APIs, custom visuals, and embedding Power BI apps in websites and other applications

 describe Power Apps portal extensibility points including CRUD APIs and custom styling

Configure Common Data Service (15-20%)

Configure security to support development

 troubleshoot operational security issues

 create or update security roles and field-level security profiles

 configure business units and teams

Implement entities and fields

 configure entity and entity options

 configure fields

 configure relationships and types of behaviors

Implement application lifecycle management (ALM)

 create solutions and manage solution components

 import and export solutions

 manage solution dependencies

 create a package for deployment

 automate deployments

 implement source control for projects including solutions and code assets

Create and configure Power Apps (15-20%)

Create model-driven apps

 configure a model-driven app

 configure forms

 configure views

 configure visualizations

Create canvas apps

 create and configure a canvas app

 implement complex formulas to manage control events and properties

 analyze app usage by using App Insights

 build reusable component libraries

Manage and troubleshoot apps

 troubleshoot app issues by using Monitor and other browser-based debugging tools

 interpret results from App Checker and Solution Checker

 identify and resolve connector and API errors

 optimize app performance including pre-loading data and query delegation

Configure business process automation (5-10%)

Configure Power Automate

 create and configure a flow

 configure steps to use Common Data Service connector actions and triggers

 implement complex expressions in flow steps

 implement error handling

 troubleshoot flows by analyzing JSON responses from connectors

Implement processes

 create and configure business process flows

 create and configure business rules

 create, manage, and interact with business process flows by using server-side and clientside code

 troubleshoot processes

Extend the user experience (10-15%)

Apply business logic using client scripting

 create JavaScript or Typescript code that targets the XRM API

 register an event handler

 create client-side scripts that target the Common Data Service Web API

Create a Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) component

 describe the PCF component lifecycle

 initialize a new PCF component

 configure a PCF component manifest

 implement the component interfaces

 package, deploy, and consume the component

 configure and use PCF Device, Utility, and WebAPI features

 test and debug PCF components by using the local test harness

Create a command button function

 create the command function

 design command button rules and actions

 edit the command bar by using the Ribbon Workbench

 manage dependencies between JavaScript libraries

Extend the platform (15-20%)

Create a plug-in

 describe the plug-in execution pipeline

 design and develop a plug-in

 debug and troubleshoot a plug-in

 implement business logic by using pre and post images

 perform operations on data by using the Organization service API

 optimize plug-in performance

 register custom assemblies by using the Plug-in Registration Tool

 develop a plug-in that targets a custom action message

Create custom connectors

 create a definition for the API

 configure API security

 use policy templates to modify connector behavior at runtime

 expose Azure Functions as custom connectors

 create custom connectors for public APIs by using Postman

Use platform APIs

 interact with data and processes by using the Common Data Service Web API or the

Organization Service

 implement API limit retry policies

 optimize for performance, concurrency, transactions, and batching

 query the Discovery service to discover the URL and other information for an organization

 perform entity metadata operations with the Web API

 perform authentication by using OAuth

Process workloads

 process long-running operations by using Azure Functions

 configure scheduled and event-driven function triggers in Azure Functions

 authenticate to the Power Platform by using managed identities

Develop Integrations (5-10%)

Publish and consume events

 publish an event by using the API

 publish an event by using the Plug-in Registration Tool

 register service endpoints including webhooks, Azure Service Bus, and Azure Event Hub

 implement a Common Data Service listener for an Azure solution

 create an Azure Function that interacts with Power Platform

Implement data synchronization

 configure entity change tracking

 read entity change records by using platform APIs

 create and use alternate keys

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