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QlikView-System-Administrator-Certification examcollection : Download 100% Free QlikView-System-Administrator-Certification practice exams (PDF and VCE)
Exam Number : QlikView-System-Administrator-Certification
Exam Name : QlikView System Administrator Certification (QVSAC)
Vendor Name : QlikView
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Our QlikView-System-Administrator-Certification Exam Cram are ultimately necessary to pass QlikView-System-Administrator-Certification exam
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Exam Specification: QSBA2021 Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification
Exam Name: QSBA2021 Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification
Exam Code: QSBA2021
Exam Duration: 120 minutes
Passing Score: 70%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice
Exam Delivery: Proctored online or at a testing center
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to Qlik Sense Business Analyst Role
- Overview of the Qlik Sense platform
- Understanding the role and responsibilities of a Qlik Sense Business Analyst
- Exploring the benefits and features of Qlik Sense for data analysis
2. Data Preparation and Modeling
- Data import and connection in Qlik Sense
- Transforming and cleaning data for analysis
- Data modeling and creating associations between tables
3. Creating Visualizations and Dashboards
- Building basic and advanced visualizations in Qlik Sense
- Designing effective dashboards and reports
- Implementing interactivity and data exploration features
4. Data Analysis and Insights
- Applying data analysis techniques in Qlik Sense
- Utilizing advanced analytics features and functions
- Discovering insights and making data-driven decisions
5. Collaboration and Sharing
- Collaborating with other users in Qlik Sense
- Sharing and distributing dashboards and reports
- Implementing security and access controls
Exam Objectives:
1. Understand the role and responsibilities of a Qlik Sense Business Analyst.
2. Perform data preparation and modeling tasks in Qlik Sense.
3. Create visually appealing and interactive visualizations and dashboards.
4. Apply data analysis techniques and utilize advanced analytics features in Qlik Sense.
5. Collaborate with other users, share, and distribute dashboards and reports.
6. Implement security measures and access controls in Qlik Sense.
Exam Syllabus:
Section 1: Introduction to Qlik Sense Business Analyst Role (10%)
- Qlik Sense platform overview
- Role and responsibilities of a Qlik Sense Business Analyst
- Benefits and features of Qlik Sense for data analysis
Section 2: Data Preparation and Modeling (30%)
- Data import and connection in Qlik Sense
- Data transformation and cleaning techniques
- Data modeling and creating associations between tables
Section 3: Creating Visualizations and Dashboards (30%)
- Building basic and advanced visualizations in Qlik Sense
- Designing effective dashboards and reports
- Implementing interactivity and data exploration features
Section 4: Data Analysis and Insights (20%)
- Applying data analysis techniques in Qlik Sense
- Utilizing advanced analytics features and functions
- Discovering insights and making data-driven decisions
Section 5: Collaboration and Sharing (10%)
- Collaborating with other users in Qlik Sense
- Sharing and distributing dashboards and reports
- Implementing security and access controls
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