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Pegasystems PEGAPCSA85V1 : Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) version 8.5 Practice Tests

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Exam Number : PEGAPCSA85V1
Exam Name : Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) version 8.5
Vendor Name : Pegasystems
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PEGAPCSA85V1 test Format | PEGAPCSA85V1 Course Contents | PEGAPCSA85V1 Course Outline | PEGAPCSA85V1 test Syllabus | PEGAPCSA85V1 test Objectives

Exam Detail:
The PEGAPCSA85V1 exam, also known as "Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) version 8.5," is a certification test that validates the knowledge and skills of individuals in designing and building Pega applications. Here are the details of the PEGAPCSA85V1 exam:

- Number of Questions: The PEGAPCSA85V1 test typically consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and may include scenario-based questions. The exact number of questions may vary, but it generally ranges from 60 to 80 questions.

- Time Limit: The time allocated to complete the PEGAPCSA85V1 test is usually around 90 minutes. However, the duration may vary depending on the specific test requirements and the test delivery platform.

Course Outline:
The PEGAPCSA85V1 test covers a wide range of syllabus related to designing and building Pega applications using Pega Platform version 8.5. The test assesses the candidate's knowledge in the following areas:

1. Pega Platform Architecture and Application Design:
- Understanding the Pega Platform architecture, including rules, data, and UI layers.
- Exploring the key components of Pega applications, such as case types, data models, and user interfaces.
- Understanding the design principles and best practices for building scalable and maintainable Pega applications.

2. Case Design and Implementation:
- Designing case types and defining case lifecycles.
- Configuring case stages, steps, processes, and flows.
- Implementing case routing, assignment, and SLA (Service Level Agreement) management.

3. Data Model and Integration:
- Designing and implementing data models using Pega Data Types and Data Pages.
- Configuring integrations with external systems using connectors, services, and data mapping.
- Implementing data validation, transformation, and synchronization.

4. User Interface Design and User Experience:
- Designing user interfaces using Pega UI components, layouts, and styles.
- Configuring dynamic UI behaviors, such as visibility conditions and field validations.
- Implementing user experience (UX) features, such as responsive design and localization.

5. Decision Management and Business Rules:
- Designing and configuring decision strategies using Pega Decisioning capabilities.
- Defining business rules using Pega Expressions and Decision Tables.
- Implementing decision logic and decision rules in Pega applications.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the PEGAPCSA85V1 test are as follows:

- Evaluating the candidate's knowledge and understanding of Pega Platform architecture and application design concepts.
- Assessing the candidate's ability to design and implement case types, stages, and processes.
- Testing the candidate's skills in configuring data models and integrations within Pega applications.
- Verifying the candidate's ability to design user interfaces and deliver a seamless user experience.
- Assessing the candidate's understanding of decision management and business rules in Pega applications.

Exam Syllabus:
The PEGAPCSA85V1 test covers the following topics:

1. Pega Platform Architecture and Application Design
2. Case Design and Implementation
3. Data Model and Integration
4. User Interface Design and User Experience
5. Decision Management and Business Rules

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