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Exam Number : Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator
Exam Name : Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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In 2025, there were many changes and improvements made to Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator and we have incorporated all the updates in our TestPrep. Our 2025 updated Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator braindumps ensure your success in the genuine exam. We recommend going through the full question bank at least once before taking the real test. This is not only because people who use our Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator test dumps feel an improvement in their knowledge, but also because they can work in a real environment within the organization as experts. We don't just focus on passing Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator test with braindumps, but truly aim to Excellerate understanding of Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator subjects and objectives. This is how individuals become successful.

Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator test Format | Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator Course Contents | Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator Course Outline | Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator test Syllabus | Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator test Objectives

Exam Specification:

- test Name: Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator)
- test Code: Salesforce-B2B-Commerce-Administrator
- test Duration: 90 minutes
- test Format: Multiple-choice and multiple-select questions

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Salesforce B2B Commerce
- Overview of Salesforce B2B Commerce and its key features
- Understanding the role and responsibilities of a B2B Commerce Administrator

2. Managing B2B Commerce Catalogs and Products
- Setting up and managing product catalogs
- Creating and configuring products, categories, and bundles
- Implementing pricing and discount strategies

3. Configuring B2B Commerce Storefront
- Customizing the B2B Commerce storefront layout and design
- Managing branding elements and themes
- Configuring navigation menus, search functionality, and customer registration

4. Managing Orders and Fulfillment
- Handling order management processes, including creating, editing, and processing orders
- Configuring shipping and fulfillment options
- Managing returns and refunds

5. Implementing B2B Pricing and Quoting
- Configuring pricing rules and price lists
- Setting up quote processes and approvals
- Managing quote templates and generating quotes

6. Managing B2B Commerce Users and Security
- Creating and managing user accounts and roles
- Implementing user authentication and access controls
- Configuring data visibility and sharing settings

7. Monitoring and Reporting in B2B Commerce
- Setting up monitoring and analytics tools
- Creating reports and dashboards to track key B2B Commerce metrics
- Monitoring site performance and customer behavior

Exam Objectives:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of Salesforce B2B Commerce platform and its features.
2. Configure and manage B2B Commerce catalogs, products, and pricing.
3. Customize the B2B Commerce storefront to align with business requirements.
4. Manage orders, fulfillment, and returns in the B2B Commerce environment.
5. Implement pricing and quoting strategies for B2B customers.
6. Configure user accounts, security settings, and data access controls.
7. Monitor site performance and generate reports to track B2B Commerce metrics.

Exam Syllabus:

The test syllabus covers the following courses (but is not limited to):

- Salesforce B2B Commerce overview
- Catalog and product management
- Storefront customization and branding
- Order management and fulfillment processes
- B2B pricing and quoting
- User and security management in B2B Commerce
- Monitoring and reporting in B2B Commerce

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