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Exam Number : DAS-C01
Exam Name : AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty (DAS-C01)
Vendor Name : Amazon
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DAS-C01 test Format | DAS-C01 Course Contents | DAS-C01 Course Outline | DAS-C01 test Syllabus | DAS-C01 test Objectives

Exam Detail:
The DAS-C01 AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty test is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of individuals working with data analytics on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. Here are the test details for the DAS-C01 exam:

- Number of Questions: The test typically consists of multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. The exact number of questions may vary, but it is typically around 65-75 questions.

- Time Limit: The time allotted to complete the test is 170 minutes (2 hours and 50 minutes).

Course Outline:
The DAS-C01 certification test covers a wide range of subjects related to data analytics on AWS. The course outline typically includes the following domains:

1. Collection, Storage, and Data Management:
- Understanding AWS data collection services, such as AWS Data Pipeline, AWS Glue, and AWS Database Migration Service (DMS).
- Implementing data storage and data management solutions using AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon DynamoDB.
- Configuring data access and security controls.

2. Processing:
- Designing and implementing data processing solutions using AWS services like Amazon EMR, AWS Lambda, and AWS Glue.
- Transforming and enriching data using AWS Glue and AWS Lambda functions.
- Implementing data governance and data quality controls.

3. Analysis and Visualization:
- Leveraging AWS services like Amazon Athena, Amazon QuickSight, and Amazon Quicksight to perform data analysis and visualization.
- Designing and optimizing queries and data analysis workflows.
- Creating interactive and insightful dashboards and visualizations.

4. Machine Learning:
- Understanding the principles of machine learning (ML) and its application in data analytics.
- Implementing ML solutions using AWS services like Amazon SageMaker, AWS Glue, and Amazon Rekognition.
- Evaluating and optimizing ML models.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the DAS-C01 test are as follows:

- Assessing candidates' knowledge of AWS data analytics services and their capabilities.
- Evaluating candidates' proficiency in designing and implementing data collection, storage, and management solutions.
- Testing candidates' ability to process and transform data using AWS data analytics services.
- Assessing candidates' understanding of data analysis and visualization techniques using AWS services.
- Evaluating candidates' knowledge of machine learning principles and their application in data analytics on AWS.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific test syllabus for the DAS-C01 test covers the following topics:

1. Domain 1: Collection, Storage, and Data Management:
- AWS data collection services.
- Data storage solutions on AWS.
- Data management and security controls.

2. Domain 2: Processing:
- AWS data processing services.
- Data transformation and enrichment using AWS services.
- Data governance and data quality.

3. Domain 3: Analysis and Visualization:
- AWS services for data analysis and visualization.
- Query optimization and performance tuning.
- Dashboard creation and interactive visualizations.

4. Domain 4: Machine Learning:
- Machine learning principles and concepts.
- AWS machine learning services.
- ML model evaluation and optimization.

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