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Exam Number : AZ-220
Exam Name : Microsoft Azure IoT Developer
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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AZ-220 test Format | AZ-220 Course Contents | AZ-220 Course Outline | AZ-220 test Syllabus | AZ-220 test Objectives

The content of this test will be updated on September 24, 2020. Please obtain the test skills outline below to see what will be changing.
Implement the IoT solution infrastructure (15-20%)
Provision and manage devices (20-25%)
Implement Edge (15-20%)
Process and manage data (15-20%)
Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions (15-20%)
Implement security (15-20%)

Implement the IoT Solution Infrastructure (15-20%)
Create and configure an IoT Hub
 create an IoT Hub
 register a device
 configure a device twin
 configure IoT Hub tier and scaling
Build device messaging and communication
 build messaging solutions by using SDKs (device and service)
 implement device-to-cloud communication
 implement cloud-to-device communication
 configure file upload for devices
Configure physical IoT devices
 recommend an appropriate protocol based on device specifications
 configure device networking, topology, and connectivity
Provision and manage devices (20-25%)
Implement the Device Provisioning Service (DPS)
 create a Device Provisioning Service
 create a new enrollment in DPS
 manage allocation policies by using Azure Functions
 link an IoT Hub to the DPS
Manage the device lifecycle
 provision a device by using DPS
 deprovision an autoenrollment
 decommission (disenroll) a device
Manage IoT devices by using IoT Hub
 manage devices list in the IoT Hub device registry
 modify device twin tags and properties
 trigger an action on a set of devices by using IoT Hub Jobs and Direct Methods
 set up Automatic Device Management of IoT devices at scale
Build a solution by using IoT Central
 define a device type in Azure IoT Central
 configure rules and actions in Azure IoT Central
 define the operator view
 add and manage devices from IoT Central
 monitor devices
 custom and industry-focused application templates
 monitor application health using metrics
Implement Edge (15-20%)
Set up and deploy an IoT Edge device
 create a device identity in IoT Hub
 deploy a single IoT device to IoT Edge
 create a deployment for IoT Edge devices
 install container runtime on IoT devices
 define and implement deployment manifest
 update security daemon and runtime
 provision IoT Edge devices with DPS
 IoT Edge automatic deployments
 deploy on constrained devices
 secure IoT Edge solutions
 deploy production certificates
Develop modules
 create and configure an Edge module
 deploy a module to an Edge device
 publish an IoT Edge module to an Azure Container Registry
Configure an IoT Edge device
 select and deploy an appropriate gateway pattern
 implement Industrial IoT solutions with modules like Modbus and OPC
 implement module-to-module communication
 implement and configure offline support (including local storage)
Process and manage data (15-20%)
Configure routing in Azure IoT Hub
 implement message enrichment in IoT Hub
 configure routing of IoT Device messages to endpoints
 define and test routing queries
 integrate with Event Grid
Configure stream processing
 create ASA for data and stream processing of IoT data
 process and filter IoT data by using Azure Functions
 configure Stream Analytics outputs
Configure an IoT solution for Time Series Insights (TSI)
 implement solutions to handle telemetry and time-stamped data
 create an Azure Time Series Insights (TSI) environment
 connect the IoT Hub and the Time Series Insights (TSI)
Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions (15-20%)
Configure health monitoring
 configure metrics in IoT Hub
 set up diagnostics logs for Azure IoT Hub
 query and visualize tracing by using Azure Monitor
 use Azure Policy definitions for IoT Hub
Troubleshoot device communication
 establish maintenance communication
 verify device telemetry is received by IoT Hub
 validate device twin properties, tags and direct methods
 troubleshoot device disconnects and connects
Perform end-to-end solution testing and diagnostics
 estimate the capacity required for each service in the solution
 conduct performance and stress testing
Implement security (15-20%)
Implement device authentication in the IoT Hub
 choose an appropriate form of authentication
 manage the X.509 certificates for a device
 manage the symmetric keys for a device
Implement device security by using DPS
 configure different attestation mechanisms with DPS
 generate and manage x.509 certificates for IoT Devices
 configure enrollment with x.509 certificates
 generate a TPM endorsements key for a device
 configure enrollment with symmetric keys
Implement Azure Security Center (ASC) for IoT
 enable ASC for IoT in Azure IoT Hub
 create security modules
 configure custom alerts

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