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Exam Name : BCS Foundation Certificate in Systems Development
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One hour 'closed book' with 40 multiple choice questions
Pass mark is 65% (26/40)
Specific learning objectives
A comprehensive range of subjects are covered, including:
Introduction to systems development
Life cycle types and their rationales
Business analysis
Requirements engineering
Making a business case
Programming and development approaches
Systems modelling and specification techniques
Systems design
System architecture
Quality and testing
Implementation and changeover
Evaluation and maintenance
Software support tools
Introduction to Systems Development (5%, K2) 7
2. Lifecycle types and their rationales (10%, K2) 7
3. Business Analysis (5%, K2) 8
4. Requirements Engineering (10%, K2) 8
5. Making a Business Case (10%, K3) 9
6. Programming and Development Approaches (10%, K2) 10
7. Systems Modelling and Specification Techniques (10%, K2) 10
8. Systems Design (10%, K2) 11
9. System Architecture (5%, K2) 12
10. Quality and Testing (10%, K2) 13
11. Implementation and Changeover (5%, K2) 14
12. Evaluation and Maintenance (5%, K2) 15
13. Software Support Tools (5%, K2)
This BCS Foundation Certificate in Systems Development is designed for anyone involved in
or affected by the development of IS/IT systems: this extends to Business and Systems
Analysts, Designers, Developers, Testers and other users and practitioners who want an
understanding of the coverage of Systems Development. Candidates will be able to
demonstrate an understanding of the principles systems development and delivery,
including, life cycle approaches, architecture, business analysis, requirements engineering,
systems modelling, design, development, testing, implementation and communication
between the various roles involved in systems development and delivery.
This exam sits below the range of BCS modular Certificates in Systems Development and
the BCS Diploma in Solution Development. It can be used to provide a foundation in the
subject for specialists in other disciplines.
A pass in this Certificate is an optional requirement of the BCS International Diploma in
Systems Development, for candidates wishing to follow that certification pathway later.
Specific Learning Objectives
A comprehensive range of subjects are covered, including:
Introduction to Systems Development
Life Cycle types and their Rationales
Business Analysis
Requirements Engineering
Making a Business Case
Programming and Development Approaches
Systems Modelling and Specification Techniques
Systems Design
System Architecture
Quality and Testing
Implementation and changeover
Evaluation and maintenance
Software Support Tools
For each top-level area of the syllabus a percentage and K level is identified. The
percentage is the exam coverage of that area, and the K level identifies the maximum level
of knowledge that may be examined for that area.
1. Introduction to Systems Development (5%, K2)
The objective is to understand the scope of systems development work and its relationship to other associated disciplines.
1.1 What is systems development
1.2 The scope of systems development
1.3 Relationship with other disciplines such as project management, programming, testing, service management, change and configuration management
2. Lifecycle types and their rationales (10%, K2)
The objective is to understand the range of systems development lifecycles, their application, advantages and disadvantages.
2.1 Systems Development Lifecycles
Waterfall model
V model
Incremental model
Spiral model
Unified Process
2.2 For each lifecycle
Principles and rationale
Structure and stages
Selection criteria
Team roles and responsibilities
2.3 Adaptation and customisation of the lifecycles
2.4 Project management and the lifecycles
Responsibilities of project managers in systems development
Difference between project life cycles and systems development life cycles
3. Business Analysis (5%, K2)
The objective is to understand the objectives, activities and deliverables of business analysis
3.1 Definition of Business Analysis
3.2 Holistic discipline
Focus on business problems and opportunities
Bridge between business and IT
3.3 Place of Business Analysis in the development lifecycle
Feasibility study
Requirements analysis
User acceptance testing
Post-implementation review/benefits realisation
3.4 Outcomes from Business Analysis
People change
Process change
IT/IS change
Organisation change
4. Requirements Engineering (10%, K2)
The objective is to understand the core activities of the requirements engineering approach
and the techniques used to define, document and manage requirements.
4.1 Key areas of Requirements Engineering
Requirements elicitation
Requirements analysis
Requirements negotiation
Requirements documentation
Requirements validation
4.2 Techniques for requirements elicitation
Document analysis
4.3 For each elicitation technique
Purpose of the technique
4.4 Types of requirements
4.5 Prioritising requirements
Reasons for prioritisation
Approach to prioritisation
4.6 Managing requirements
Recording requirements documentation
Change control
Version control
CASE tools
4.7 Analysing and validating requirements
Feasibility checking
Ensuring the consistency and correctness of the requirements
The validation process and roles
Responsibilities of the reviewers
5. Making a Business Case (10%, K3)
The objective is to understand the purpose of producing a business case and the structure and contents of a business case.
5.1 Feasibility checking
Business feasibility
Technical feasibility
Financial feasibility
5.2 Elements of a business case
Background and context to the business case
Costs and benefits for each option
Impacts of each option
Risks of each option
Recommended actions
5.3 Identifying, evaluating and selecting options
5.4 Principles of cost/benefit analysis
5.5 Principles of impact and risk analysis
6. Programming and Development Approaches (10%, K2)
The objective is to appreciate the different approaches to programming and development of software solutions and identify the key features of each.
6.1 Types of development approaches (these are not necessarily mutually-exclusive)
Agile Approaches
Extreme programming
Iterative and incremental approaches (Dynamic Systems
Development Method)
Exploratory/empirical approaches (Scrum, Adaptive Systems
Development, Crystal, Lean Development)
Feature driven development
Test driven development
Waterfall lifecycle
Structured Programming
Object-Oriented approaches
Service Oriented
On Demand Software
Application Service Provider (ASP)
Open source development
Commercial off-the-shelf packages (COTS)
7. Systems Modelling and Specification Techniques (10%, K2)
The objective is to understand the importance of modelling and documentation in the systems development process, to identify the different types models and be aware of the various perspectives they address.
7.1 Reasons for modelling
To aid communication between actors
As a basis for rigorous development
To provide a standard approach
To ensure consistency across the development
To assist in the identification of re-use
To compare the current situation with the required
7.2 Modelling from different perspectives
Examples of models
Modelling perspectives of ‘Why; What; How; When; Who; Where
Modelling static data (top down and bottom up)
Modelling process and business rules
Modelling dynamic behaviour
Modelling user interface
7.3 Cross-referencing different modelling perspectives
Cross-referencing process and data (e.g. CRUD)
Cross-referencing process and objectives
Cross-referencing user roles and processes
7.4 Documentation and specification
Importance of documentation
Documentation configuration management and version control
Keeping documentation up to date
8. Systems Design (10%, K2)
The objective is to recognise the fundamental objectives and principles of good systems design.
8.1 The location of systems design in the systems development lifecycle
8.2 The objectives and constraints of systems design
Objectives reflect many of the software qualities also identified in section
10. They include the need to deliver required functionality, reliability, maintainability, flexibility, expandability, usability, efficiency, re-usability, testability and adherence to standards
Constraints on design include budget, time, skills available, influence of current (legacy) systems, target hardware and software platforms and internal politics
8.3 Input design, input technologies and their application
Keyboard input considerations including data validation and data
verification requirements
Existence check
Range check
Format check
Cross-field (consistency) check
Cost, time and accuracy advantages of direct data input
Direct data input technologies including signals, voice, scanning, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR), Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), bar codes, swipe cards and mouse
Application of direct data input technologies within given scenarios
8.4 Output technologies and their application (screen and form design is covered in the interface design and usability section of the syllabus)
Output design technologies including different types of screens, printers and digital media, public display screens (for example, at bus stops) and mobile telephones
Application of output design technologies within given scenarios
8.5 The objectives and principles of process design
Stepwise refinement – the process of the elaboration of requirements
Expressing processes through the constructs of sequence, condition and repetition
Modularity and the principles of coupling and cohesion
The principles of abstraction, encapsulation and generalisation
8.6 The objectives and principles of data design
The aims and principles (but not conduct) of normalisation
File organisation methods: serial, sequential, index-sequential and random
File access methods: searches, indexes and algorithms
Principles of hierarchical, network, relational and object-oriented database
management systems
8.7 The design of codes
Factors affecting the design of a successful code, including uniqueness, stability, expandability and length
The principles of facetted codes
The use and definition of check digits
8.8 The scope and principles of security design
Physical security of the computer environment
Logical security measures such as passwords
Firewalls, anti-virus software and spy-ware
The function and content of audit trails
Principles of the Computer Misuse Act
Principles of the Data Protection Act
9. System Architecture (5%, K2)
The objective is to recognise the importance of a well-developed architecture as an integral
part of good system development.
9.1 Types of architecture
Enterprise architecture and IT architecture
Systems and application architecture
Data architecture
9.2 Objectives and principles of systems architectures
What is an IT architecture=>
Why is an architecture important=>
Underlying principles of architectures
9.3 Stakeholders and roles in architecture
Customers and sponsors
Service and product providers
Designers and developers
IT architect
9.4 Management of the architecture
Monitoring compliance
Handling change
Evolution of architecture
9.5 The tiered architecture approach to IT system development
The components of an IT architecture
Interface, process and data layers
9.6 Service Oriented Architecture and Service Oriented Development Applications
Services and technologies
Examples of services
10. Quality and Testing (10%, K2)
The objective is to recognise the role of testing through the lifecycle.
10.1 The definition of software quality
The need to meet robustness and reliability requirements
The need to meet functional requirements
The need to meet non-functional requirements, particularly usability
The need for inherent software product qualities such as maintainability,
flexibility and efficiency
10.2 The objectives and limitations of testing
The causes of software defects and the distinction between errors, faults
and failures
The distinction between static and dynamic testing
General testing principles
Testing shows the presence of defects
Exhaustive testing is impossible
The principle and benefits of early testing
The recognition of defect clustering
10.3 The structure and purpose of the static test stages of the V model
Functional Specification
Design Specification
Module specification
10.4 The purpose and content of the dynamic test stages of the V model
Component (unit) testing
Component integration testing
System testing
Functional testing
Non-functional testing
User acceptance testing
10.5 Static testing
Reviews and the test process
Informal review
Technical review
10.6 Dynamic testing
Specification-based or black-box techniques
Structure-based or white-box techniques
Experience-based techniques
10.7 Re-testing (confirmation testing)
10.8 Regression testing
Definition and scope of regression testing
Opportunities for automating regression testing
11. Implementation and Changeover (5%, K2)
The objective is to recognise the importance of careful implementation.
11.1 The task of file and data conversion
Technical feasibility of converting data
Alternatives to automatically converting data, such as printing data out and re-entering it
11.2 The principles and problems of data mapping
The principles of data mapping
Common problems in data mapping, such as field type incompatibility, field
length differences, different field structures and absence of required fields in the current system
Approaches to dealing with different field structures (for example, converting from one address field to three address line fields) and issues arising from populating newly defined fields with valid data
11.3 Plan, test and undertake data conversion
Plan the steps and the timing of data conversion
Write and test the data conversion programs
The possible role of an automated test comparator in the testing process
Undertake the actual conversion of live data
11.4 The role of supporting documentation, including user manuals
The role and structure of an online help facility
The role and structure of a printed user guide or user manual
The role and structure of printed operational manuals
The role and structure of technical documentation designed to allow the continuing support of the delivered software
11.5 Approaches to training
Conventional lectures and workshops
Remote mechanisms, such as web-casts and tele-conferencing
Computer-based training (CBT) and e-learning initiatives
11.6 Define training needs and evaluate training effectiveness
Identify current and proposed competencies
Define an appropriate strategy, using approaches to training (11.5), to support the gaining of proposed competencies
Assess the effectiveness of training in supporting these proposed competencies through post-course questionnaires and tests
11.7 Systems implementation
The principles of direct changeover/conversion
The advantages and disadvantages of direct changeover/conversion within a given scenario
The principles of parallel running
The advantages and disadvantages of parallel running within a given scenario
The principles of pilot running
The advantages and disadvantages of pilot running within a given scenario
12. Evaluation and Maintenance (5%, K2)
The objective is to recognise the need to evaluate a delivered system and to enhance it through subsequent maintenance.
12.1 The location of maintenance in the systems development life cycle
Maintenance in abbreviated waterfall and V models
The explicit reference to maintenance in the b model
Maintenance in an iterative environment
12.2 The range of metrics which might be used to evaluate a delivered software product
Characteristics of good metrics (for example, quantifiable, relevant, easy to collect)
Metrics associated with the business objectives of the project (for example, concerned with improving profitability of the organisation)
Metrics associated with the functional fit of the delivered software product (for example, number of corrective maintenance changes raised after implementation)
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