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Exam Number : BCCPA
Exam Name : Certified Proxy Administrator V3.03
Vendor Name : BlueCoat
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Exam: BCCPA Certified Proxy Administrator V3.03
Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The test consists of approximately 60 multiple-choice and scenario-based questions.
- Time: Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam.
Course Outline:
The BCCPA Certified Proxy Administrator course is designed to provide professionals with the knowledge and skills required to configure, manage, and troubleshoot Blue Coat ProxySG appliances. The course covers the following topics:
1. Introduction to ProxySG
- Overview of Blue Coat ProxySG and its features
- ProxySG deployment scenarios and architecture
- ProxySG management interfaces and access methods
- ProxySG security features and policies
2. ProxySG Configuration and Administration
- Initial setup and configuration of ProxySG
- Managing ProxySG services and interfaces
- Configuring access control policies and authentication
- Implementing SSL interception and decryption
3. Content Filtering and Web Security
- Implementing URL filtering and web categorization
- Controlling web application usage and bandwidth management
- Configuring anti-malware and antivirus features
- Enforcing data loss prevention (DLP) policies
4. ProxySG Performance Optimization
- Caching and content delivery optimization
- Bandwidth management and QoS configuration
- HTTP compression and object caching techniques
- Performance monitoring and troubleshooting
5. ProxySG High Availability and Management
- Configuring ProxySG for high availability and failover
- Load balancing and link redundancy
- ProxySG reporting and logging
- ProxySG management using the Management Center
Exam Objectives:
The test aims to assess candidates' understanding and proficiency in the following areas:
1. Knowledge of Blue Coat ProxySG features and architecture
2. Competence in ProxySG configuration and administration
3. Familiarity with content filtering and web security on ProxySG
4. Understanding of ProxySG performance optimization techniques
5. Proficiency in ProxySG high availability and management
Exam Syllabus:
The test syllabus covers the following topics:
- Introduction to ProxySG
- ProxySG overview and features
- ProxySG deployment scenarios and architecture
- ProxySG management interfaces and access methods
- ProxySG security features and policies
- ProxySG Configuration and Administration
- Initial setup and configuration
- Managing ProxySG services and interfaces
- Access control policies and authentication
- SSL interception and decryption
- Content Filtering and Web Security
- URL filtering and web categorization
- Web application control and bandwidth management
- Anti-malware and antivirus configuration
- Data loss prevention (DLP) policies
- ProxySG Performance Optimization
- Caching and content delivery optimization
- Bandwidth management and QoS configuration
- HTTP compression and object caching
- Performance monitoring and troubleshooting
- ProxySG High Availability and Management
- High availability and failover configuration
- Load balancing and link redundancy
- Reporting and logging on ProxySG
- ProxySG management using the Management Center
Candidates are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of these subjects to successfully pass the test and demonstrate their proficiency as a Blue Coat Proxy Administrator according to the BCCPA V3.03 certification standards.
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