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Exam Number : QV_Developer_11
Exam Name : QlikView 11 Developer Certification Exam
Vendor Name : QlikView
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QV_Developer_11 exam Format | QV_Developer_11 Course Contents | QV_Developer_11 Course Outline | QV_Developer_11 exam Syllabus | QV_Developer_11 exam Objectives

Identify Requirements (23% of the exam)

Describe how the Qlik Sense capabilities can assist in analysis of data.

Determine which Qlik products and QSE features/methods are needed to meet business requirements.

Translate business needs into technical requirements.

Design Application (22% of the exam)

Organize the application layout to meet business needs.

Determine which visualizations meet business requirements.

Determine design elements needed for flexibility, ease of use, and maintenance.

Prepare and Load Data (25% of the exam)

Apply the steps to create the associative data model using the data manager.

Troubleshoot basic data modeling and data issues.

Develop Application (30% of the exam)

Configure dashboards and visualizations to illustrate business insights.

Apply steps to share business insights.

- Practical experience developing production-quality applications in Qlik Sense

- Experience creating dimensions, measures and objects for the master library

- Understands user experience and design best practices and has experience building visualizations.

- Practical experience developing multiple production-quality applications in Qlik Sense

- Ability to write Qlik Sense LOAD scripts and validate data

- Basic understanding of Extract-Transform-Load (ETL)

- Create and use connectors to various data sources

- Understand the QVD layer and architecture of the Qlik platform

- Ability to architect data to provide optimal performance

- Familiar with SQL and relational databases

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