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Exam Number : AD01
Exam Name : Blue Prism Developer
Vendor Name : Blue-Prism
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AD01 Blue Prism Developer dumps with Questions and Answers
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Achieving Partner Certification is a requirement of the Blue Prism Engage Partner Program and any partners that do not achieve the minimum requirements will need to make an appeal to our program teams. We want to reward those partners that make the investment in achieving the Partner Certifications and so you can expect the following.
Increasingly customers are wanting to work only with certified
partners which is why we have made this a requirement within the first
year of being a Blue Prism partner. Our Partner Locator tool will be the
primary source of information for customers to identify partners to
provide support for their connected-RPA initiatives.

CAPABILITY PROVIDER - Partners that help build scalable, resilient
Blue Prism connected-RPA capabilities for clients using accredited
Blue Prism resources.
• DELIVERY PROVIDER - Partners that deliver successful
Blue Prism connected-RPA client projects using accredited
Blue Prism resources.
• SERVICE PROVIDER - Partners that provide scalable, resilient proven
Blue Prism connected-RPA capabilities as a managed service for clients using accredited Blue Prism resources.
The relevant criteria for your certification will be defined by which of
the three types youre being assessed on – but youre not limited to just
one type. Partners can be certified as Capability, Delivery, and Service
providers, once the relevant certification has been achieved.
We have three levels of certification - Platinum, Gold and Silver - which
reflect the level of quality a Partner has/can provide. Platinum is the
highest level, reflecting where a Partner has demonstrated
exceptional customer success, and a has maintained an all-encompassing base of highly qualified, accredited Blue Prism resources.

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