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Palo-Alto ACE : Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) exam Dumps

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Latest 2024 Updated Palo-Alto Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) Syllabus
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Exam Number : ACE
Exam Name : Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE)
Vendor Name : Palo-Alto
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We provide real ACE exam mock test Cheatsheet in two file formats: ACE PDF and ACE VCE exam simulator. Pass the Palo-Alto ACE exam quickly and effectively with our help. You can read the ACE Exam Questions PDF format on any device, and you can even print ACE braindumps to create your own study guide. Our pass rate is 98.9%, and the similarity between our ACE study guide and the real exam is 98%. If you want to pass the real ACE exam in just one attempt, visit straight away.

ACE exam Format | ACE Course Contents | ACE Course Outline | ACE exam Syllabus | ACE exam Objectives

Test Detail:
The Palo Alto Networks Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) exam is a certification exam that validates the knowledge and skills required to configure, deploy, and manage Palo Alto Networks firewalls. The exam assesses candidates' understanding of Palo Alto Networks technologies and their ability to effectively implement network security solutions. Here is a detailed description of the test, including the number of questions and time allocation, course outline, exam objectives, and exam syllabus.

Number of Questions and Time:
The ACE exam typically consists of approximately 50 to 60 multiple-choice questions. The time allocated for the exam is 90 minutes. It's important to manage your time effectively to ensure you can answer all the questions within the given timeframe.

Course Outline:
The ACE certification course covers a wide range of courses related to Palo Alto Networks firewalls and network security. The course outline typically includes the following areas:

1. Palo Alto Networks Firewall Basics:
- Introduction to Palo Alto Networks firewalls
- Firewall deployment architectures
- Firewall management interfaces and access methods
- Security policies and zones

2. Initial Configuration and Device Management:
- Initial firewall setup and configuration
- Interface and virtual router configuration
- Network address translation (NAT) and security policies
- User-ID and authentication services

3. Advanced Security Features:
- Application and threat prevention
- URL filtering and DNS security
- SSL decryption and encryption
- WildFire and global protect

4. High Availability and Networking Concepts:
- Firewall high availability (HA) deployment
- Virtual Wire and Layer 2 deployment
- Dynamic routing protocols and virtual router configuration
- Quality of Service (QoS) and network monitoring

5. Logging, Reporting, and Troubleshooting:
- Log forwarding and reporting
- Packet captures and troubleshooting tools
- Policy-based forwarding and VPN troubleshooting
- Panorama management and templates

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the ACE exam are to evaluate candidates' knowledge and skills in the following areas:

1. Understanding Palo Alto Networks firewall technologies and features.
2. Configuring and managing Palo Alto Networks firewalls.
3. Implementing security policies and network address translation (NAT).
4. Deploying advanced security features such as application and threat prevention.
5. Troubleshooting common firewall issues and managing firewall logs and reports.

Exam Syllabus:
The exam syllabus for the ACE certification exam provides a detailed breakdown of the courses and subtopics that candidates should study. The syllabus may include:

1. Palo Alto Networks Firewall Essentials:
- Firewall deployment modes and interfaces
- Security zones and policies
- NAT and virtual routers

2. Traffic Visibility and Control:
- Application identification and control
- User-ID and authentication
- SSL decryption and inspection

3. Threat Prevention:
- Antivirus and anti-spyware
- URL filtering and DNS security
- WildFire and GlobalProtect

4. Site-to-Site and Remote Access VPNs:
- IPsec VPN configuration
- SSL VPN configuration
- VPN troubleshooting

5. Management and Troubleshooting:
- Panorama management platform
- Log forwarding and reporting
- Troubleshooting tools and techniques

Candidates should refer to the official Palo Alto Networks ACE exam documentation and study materials provided by Palo Alto Networks to ensure they have the most up-to-date information on the exam format, content coverage, and requirements. It is recommended to allocate sufficient time for exam preparation, which may include hands-on practice with Palo Alto Networks firewalls, reviewing technical documentation, and taking practice exams to assess knowledge and readiness for the certification exam.

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