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Exam Number : Salesforce-Certified-Community-Cloud-Consultant
Exam Name : Certified Community Cloud Consultant
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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The Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with the Community Cloud application and demonstrate knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.

Implementation: 22%
Given a scenario including Community member Persona information, recommend the appropriate license type to meet the requirement.
Evaluate the infrastructure of a Community.
Describe capabilities of different deployment types.
Determine the mobility requirements for a Community.
Evaluate integration strategies for a given use case.
Outline the considerations required for a successful Community rollout.
Given a scenario, determine which limits will influence a Community (for example, Community user limits).
Explain how to set up a custom domain for a Community.
Sharing and Security: 20%
Determine security requirements given a scenario that includes collaboration, business process, and/or document requirements.
Determine the appropriate security model for a given use case (for example, Sharing & Users, Person Accounts, Profiles, Objects).
Determine the steps to build a public Community.
Given a scenario, determine the steps to provision Community users.
Community Setup: 18%
Determine steps to configure and set up topics, and map to associated knowledge articles.
Identify the Community user login requirements.
Determine how to set up email for Community users.
Explain the multilingual capabilities in Communities.
Identify when to integrate Salesforce products into a Community.
Experience Builder: 12%
Determine how to customize a Community to match a companys branding using Experience Builder.
Determine how to customize navigation for given requirements in a template-based Community.
Determine the steps to create and configure Lightning pages.
Explain how to configure template components for given requirements.
Determine the steps to install and set up Lightning components.
Determine how to optimize Community performance.
Community Management: 11%
Identify how to grant users access to the Community.
Determine the steps to set up Community dashboards and insights.
Explain Community moderation features.
Given a scenario, determine the steps to create recommendations in a Community.
Given a scenario, determine the steps to set up reputation levels in a Community.
Content: 9%
Explain the capabilities of CMS Connect.
Identify the methods to personalize content for users.
Explain the capabilities of Chatter questions and Chatter groups.
Describe the capabilities of Communities Search.
Describe the process for translating a Community.
Templates and Use Cases: 8%
Explain the capabilities and use of Lightning templates and Lightning Bolt.

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